On Thu, Jul 5, 2018 at 1:49 PM, tortoise <cymraeg...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello, M. Smith hijacking a thread instead of starting a new one = distinctly 
> uncool

Seems like a new "thread" to me...

If I were using it personally, I'd go with one of the CF or SD memory
card adapters. They're likely going to be faster and more robust than
the old hard drives that would fit, though they might cost a bit more
up front. You can still find some of the 68 pin Wide and Ultra SCSI
drives that were used in servers, but they are either going to be new
old stock, refurbished, or very expensive. But, if you get your hands
on one then the 68 to 50-pin adapters are available on eBay and work
just fine.

[Greg Bennett]
-Independent Carpenter, Electrician & Lighting Designer
-Purveyor of Classic Apple & Macintosh Gear

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