I'm going to be given an LC475 with monitor, keyboard
and mouse.

What to do with it? Heck if I know! :) I need a
bigger table plus a bigger room to put it in.

Currently the MegaTower 2000 PC and the not so
mega but just as heavy tower Radius 81/110 occupy
the table I have. The Power IIci sits forlornly
out in the hall. :(

*sigh* One of these days I'll have everything setup
and networked. Radius, Power IIci, Dell XPI P75D
laptop, some PC banged together for Linux dabbling,
the MT2K and now the LC475 wants its own spot. :)

::Waiting paitiently for the 8x SCSI CD-ROM to
arrive for the Radius::

"The earth swarms with inhabitants. Why then should nature,
which is fruitful to an excess here, be so very barren in
the rest of the planets?" Bernard de Fontenelle, 1686
My ICQ# 16024947

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