
I realize I seldom post here.  I just noticed something interesting about 
Braillist.  Apparently, the hardwired mappings in the app have assigned the 
letters bet in succession to the word between.   That means you can't use the 
word bet for anything.  Now, my braille is a little rusty.  As I recall, the 
contraction for between is probably something like dos 2-3, followed by the 
letter t, or is it bt.  Whatever the case, it definitely isn't bet.  So, is 
there any way to alter the key mappings that come with Braillist?  Can I delete 
the association of bet with between?  

One other thing, in my opinion, the so called Next key, located at the bottom 
of the center column, which works in manual mode, should be the caps lock in 
automatic mode.  Currently, the app assigns dot 5 to the caps lock function.  
this illuminates all the dot 5 contractions in North American braille.  this 
means that people could develop some nasty bad habits with respect to learning 
their contractions.  any thoughts?


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