Hi James,


I changed the subject line to reflect what you are asking. I ended up selling 
my Braille Sense. I have totally changed to the iPhone for my note taking 
needs. I use the native Notes app quite a bit. If you want something a little 
more robust, Voice Dream Writer is a very good app for that. You can also put 
Braille Screen Input on your rotor so you can type in Braille. You will find 
this in Settings, accessibility, VoiceOver, rotor. Here, select Braille screen 
input. Now, when you are in an edit field, turn your rotor to Braille Screen 
Input and boom instant Braille. You will probably have to calibrate the dots so 
the phone can get used to your fingers. You do this by pressing your right 
three fingers on the screen, lifting them, then pressing the left three fingers 
on the screen and lifting them. It is a quick gesture. There are two ways in 
which to hold the phone so you can use Braille Screen Input. One is called away 
mode. In this setting, you put the phone on its side and hold it in both palms 
of your hands with the screen facing away from you. Make it to where three 
fingers of each hand can rest on the screen. The other way to hold it is 
tabletop mode. Lay the phone on a flat surface and place three fingers from 
each hand on the screen. Someone else may do a better job in explaining 
tabletop mode as I find it a little confusing. By the way, when you put the 
phone in Braille screen input mode, it is all done in landscape. One way you 
can also tell where your fingers are on the screen, is to put the phone in 
exploring mode. While Braille Screen Input is on, put one finger on the screen 
and hold it. Keep adding fingers on the screen and it will tell you kind of 
where your fingers are. It will say something like, “Dot 4” that should be on 
your right hand if you are holding it correctly. When you add fingers to the 
exploring mode, you will get a feel for where the dots are on the screen. 
Remember to keep one finger on the screen to remain in exploring mode.


This has been a load of information I know. Keep it for reference and don’t 
hesitate to ask for mor clarification on anything you don’t understand.






From: viphone@googlegroups.com <viphone@googlegroups.com> On Behalf Of 
Sent: Sunday, May 24, 2020 6:54 PM
To: viphone@googlegroups.com
Subject: RE: I'm not sure that all of my emails are getting through and. Thank 
you Anna.




I am considering the possibility of using my iPhone SE 2020 as a note-taker 
using Braille to input the text.


I am a Braille user and I am wondering what apps people recommend for taking 
notes on an iPhone.


I have around 150 files on my current notetaker.  If I can use the iPhone one 
third as efficient as the Himms Braille Sense, then I want to try.


, This is my first iPhone so I do not know if there might be a native app 
already on the phone or should I consider something from the app store.


Are other iPhone users switching from note-takers to the iPhone?




James B   



From: viphone@googlegroups.com <mailto:viphone@googlegroups.com>  
<viphone@googlegroups.com <mailto:viphone@googlegroups.com> > On Behalf Of Anna 
Sent: Sunday, May 24, 2020 6:40 PM
To: VIPhone Mailing List <viphone@googlegroups.com 
<mailto:viphone@googlegroups.com> >
Subject: Re: I'm not sure that all of my emails are getting through and. Thank 
you Anna.


Hi James,


You're welcome. It sounds complicated, but if you know braille, you'll catch on 
quickly. It can be a very efficient way of typing text on an iPhone, especially 
if you type in contracted braille.


Best of luck,




On May 24, 2020, at 4:38 PM, <bentleyj1...@gmail.com 
<mailto:bentleyj1...@gmail.com> > <bentleyj1...@gmail.com 
<mailto:bentleyj1...@gmail.com> > wrote:


I spent a bit of time trying to figure out how to get Braille input to work on 
my iPhone.  And I just want to make sure that Anna knows that I appreciate her 
post concerning how to get that going.


It looks complicated to learn but it just might be worth the time.


Yes.  You gave me enough to get started.


Thank you very very much,


James B  


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