Hi, I wish to run the latest virt-manager version on my ubunut 20.04.
I checked all the requirements in INSTALL.md and they are all met.

I remove virt-manager 2.2.1 by apt remove virt-manager.
I run then setup.py install and got no error.

which virt-manager

virt-manager --version

If I run virt-manager on the konsole as normal user, nothing happnes, not
even a message.
The same if I run using
sudo virt-manager

If I run it as root at least I get

root@dell-3541:~# Unable to init server: Could not connect: Connection
Unable to init server: Could not connect: Connection refused
Unable to init server: Could not connect: Connection refused

(virt-manager:82733): Gtk-WARNING **: 17:20:40.074: cannot open display:

I move the setup folder in /opt/virt-manager.
If i run
the windows opens up correctly.

Why is /usr/bin/virt-manager not working?
(No processes found by ps aux).

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