You may have been wondering what the current state of virtio 1.3 is; the
tl;dr is: we have to deal with some unfortunate delays, but it is really
nearing release now.

The current state

virtio-1.3-csd01 (committee specification draft) has been out for public
review, and that 30 day period has just finished, with no additional
comments being received. This means we're ready to start the process to
get the committee specification draft released as an actual committee

The current issue

Moving from CSD to CS requires that the TC votes on it. Unfortunately,
this will not be possible to fit into the remaining time before the
OASIS infrastructure downtime due to the upcoming migration. While we
hope that the new infrastructure will be in place quickly, it is
unlikely that we will be able to do a vote before many/most of the
voting members will be away for end-of-year holidays. [We actually need
*two* votes in the end, with each ballot open for seven days.]

The current plan

We'll do any preparation work (which should be really minor) now, and
start the voting process early in January. I'm reasonably confident
that, once triggered, we should have finished the process in early
February the latest.

Apologies again for the numerous delays the spec encountered along the
way, it's been pretty frustrating.

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