Hi all,

I have tried to chain two rules in Virtuoso 8 for testing.
The steps are described in this link.


The SPIN rules must compute the volume of an instance of the class
Solid in two chained "steps":
a) given the width and the height computes the area
b) the area computed previously is multiplied by the height (again) to
compute the volume finally.

When I run the query, I got this message

Virtuoso 37000 Error SP031: SPARQL compiler: The name
?area_urn_spin_rule_geometry_lib_bnode_b10021_19 is used in multiple
clauses, without any logical connection

SPARQL query:

define sql:signal-unconnected-variables 1 define
sql:signal-void-variables 1 define input:default-graph-uri
<http://geometry> DEFINE input:macro-lib <urn:spin:rule:geometry:lib>
PREFIX shapes: <http://example.org/shapes#>

FROM <http://geometry>
        ?s a shapes:Solid ;
           shapes:area  ?area ;
           shapes:volume ?volume .

I have tried to use the property spin:nextRuleProperty to chain the
two rules here


but it does not work

Any idea on this?



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