On 11/16/18 3:43 PM, Peter F. Patel-Schneider wrote:
> I'm loading a large Turtle file with almost 7 billion triples in it.
> As the file is loaded virtuoso takes up more and more memory, much more than
> it should.  I had set it for 24GB of memory available on a machine with 32GB
> of memory but eventually it took up all the available virtual memory and
> crashed.  Near the end it was using around 97% of main memory and kswapd0 was
> consuming about 25% of a processing unit.
> Is it expected that virtuoso needs this extra memory when loading a large
> Turtle file or is this a bug of some sort?
> peter

Hi Peter,

Any chance you could post this to our new community forum [1]?

I ask due to the fact that this is an important discussion point that
would benefit our community at large etc.


[1] https://community.openlinksw.com/c/rdbms


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