Posted by Paul Cassell:
"Illegal Alien" vs. "Undocumented Alien":

   Following up on [1]Eugene's post, the always-helpful Bryan Garner
   concludes in his excellent resource, A Dictionary of Modern Legal
   Usage: "The usual and preferable term in American English is illegal
   alien. The other forms have arisen as needless euphemisms, and shold
   be avoided as near-gobbledygook. The problem with undocumented is that
   it is intended to mean, by those who use it in this phrase, 'not
   having the requistie documents to enter or stay in a country legally.'
   But the word strongly suggests "unaccounted for" to those unfamiliar
   with this quasi-legal jargon, and it may therefore obscure the

   Garner has more analysis on the debate. I don't have a firm view on
   the subject, but pass the reference along to those who are interested.



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