[The Volokh Conspiracy] #65279;Something to consider if you are considering writing a book for a university press:

2003-08-18 Thread David Bernstein
In March 2001, Duke University Press published my book, Only One Place of Redress: African Americans, Labor Regulations and the Courts from Reconstruction to the New Deal. The initial press run was 1,500 copies. All told, about 1,100 copies have been sold so far. Laissez-faire Books, a

[The Volokh Conspiracy] Is outsourcing a big economic problem for America?

2003-08-18 Thread Tyler Cowen
The Washington Times ran two good pieces today on outsourcing, foreign investment, and whether America is losing jobs to other countries. The first, by Daniel Griswold of Cato, took on Paul Craig Roberts, apparently a recent convert to protectionism. Here is one point: "...94 percent of outward

[The Volokh Conspiracy] Update on OCBC Medical Cannabis case:

2003-08-18 Thread Randy Barnett
The oral argument for the OCBC medical cannabis case before the Ninth Circuit has been scheduled for September 17th. I am in San Jose today for a moot court at Santa Clara Law School to prepare for the argument. --Posted by Randy Barnett to The Volokh Conspiracy at 8/18/2003 09:24:41 AMPowered

[The Volokh Conspiracy] Review:

2003-08-18 Thread Jacob Levy
A while back I recommended a book in which I've got a chapter-- Patten and Kymlicka, eds., Language Rights and Political Theory. Over at Pedantry, Scott has posted the first part of what promises to be an epic three-part review essay. It's interesting stuff. I'll note that it's perfectly true

[The Volokh Conspiracy] Review:

2003-08-18 Thread Jacob Levy
A while back I recommended a book in which I've got a chapter-- Patten and Kymlicka, eds., Language Rights and Political Theory. Over at Pedantry, Scott has posted the first part of what promises to be an epic three-part review essay. It's interesting stuff. I'll note that it's perfectly true

[The Volokh Conspiracy] Will the Federalism Revolution Cut Both Ways?

2003-08-18 Thread Randy Barnett
The OCBC case that I will be arguing today in a moot court at Santa Clara Law School (in preparation for our September 17th hearing before the Ninth Circuit), raises three significant constitutional issues (you can read the briefs here): 1. Has the government exceeded its powers under the

[The Volokh Conspiracy] Memories of childhood:

2003-08-18 Thread Eugene Volokh
When I was a child, my mother would sing me lullabies, and naturally I still remember them quite fondly. I particularly remember half a stanza, which as I recall is all she sang to me from this one lullaby:Sleep, my wonderful baby Lulla-lullaby Quietly the bright moon gazes Into your

[The Volokh Conspiracy] a href=http://www.reason.com/hitandrun/002530.shtml#002530Matt Welch busts Ariana Huffington/a

2003-08-18 Thread Eugene Volokh
on her conflicting statements about Prop. 187, then and now. Very good catch; I hope other media pick it up. Thanks to InstaPundit for the pointer. --Posted by Eugene Volokh to The Volokh Conspiracy at 8/18/2003 02:57:55 PMPowered by Blogger Pro

[The Volokh Conspiracy] Get your free songs from Canada

2003-08-18 Thread Tyler Cowen
This article tells you how Canadian supply will stymy the RIAA strategy to stop music downloads, apparently the practice is legal under Canadian law. --Posted by Tyler Cowen to The Volokh Conspiracy at 8/18/2003 04:03:04 PMPowered by Blogger Pro