On 3 Apr 2018 22:12, "Jeremy Nichols" <jn6...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Man, that would be wonderful! Pity the flight from California to the U.K.
> is considerable more than £3!
> Jeremy

Yes, its a shame that the plane ticket is not cheap.  Perhaps you could
consider a holiday to the UK to coincide with the following NPL open day
which I suspect will be in 2020.

I only have access to my mobile phone at the minute,  which I don't find as
good as a PC for searching the web. However,  a brief search would indicate
NIST do not have an open day.

Perhaps people in the US could contact NIST to see if NUST would consider
doing the same as NPL, and making NIST open for a day, every year or two.
Attach a copy of the visitor guide for NPL, to show what the UK does. That
guide should be available shortly,  but last I looked only the 2016 guide
was online.

I don't know if other national labs like METAS do the same as NPL.

NPL open up all the labs related to the 7 SI units. The area open to the
public on timekeeping is much more impressive than the area about the volt.
But not every lab is open.

I suspect that if you have a particular interest in a topic and contact the
right person at NIST,  they are quite likely to be more than happy to show
you around their area. I am hoping to arrange to visit a couple of areas at
NPL I doubt will be open to the public, due to their very obscure nature.

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