[Vo]:Li ion Battery break through

2008-08-06 Thread thomas malloy
Researchers at the Stanford University Department of Materials Science and Engineering have developed a technique for making lithium ion batteries that hold ten times more charge than current models. This could extend the driving time of electric cars and the life of mobile devices such as ce

[Vo]:Earths Aurora explained by Themis satellite

2008-08-06 Thread Brian Prothro
Earths Aurora explained by Themis satellite observations. Very interesting, note the parallel at which the aurora happens, I was not aware of this. http://www.flixxy.com/nasa-themis-magnetic-fields.htm Brian Prothro

Re: [Vo]:Nissan EV-02

2008-08-06 Thread Terry Blanton
And, on a lighter note: http://www.autobloggreen.com/2008/04/13/spark-evs-michael-papp-arrested-in-electric-vehicle-scam/ "Spark EV's Michael Papp arrested in electric vehicle scam Posted Apr 13th 2008 at 6:44PM by Sebastian Blanco Filed under: Etc., EV/Plug-in, Green Daily Thanks to our reader

[Vo]:Nissan EV-02

2008-08-06 Thread Terry Blanton
Hey it looks like my xBox! http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=080806085901.thpknii3&show_article=1 "Nissan Motor Co. unveiled a new prototype electric vehicle Wednesday with batteries twice as powerful as conventional technology, aiming to take a lead in zero-emission cars. Japan's third-lar

Re: [Vo]:[OT] New Yorker Reports Cheney Sought Casus Belli with Iran

2008-08-06 Thread Edmund Storms
A better question is, "How do people who make such stupid policy keep a clearance?" Thank heavens some people are willing to make these policies known. Our leaders seem to have lost their rationality in an attempt to get reelected. They will agree to anything as long as it doesn't make them loo

[Vo]:[OT] New Yorker Reports Cheney Sought Casus Belli with Iran

2008-08-06 Thread Terry Blanton
http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2008/07/07/080707fa_fact_hersh How do they get people with clearances to be so open? Terry