
Here is the rest of the article behind the paywall:

There is a simple way to levitate magnets – and physicists are beginning to
understand how it works. The technique could have applications in robotics
in the future.
In 2021, Hamdi Ucar
<> –
then at Göksal Aeronautics in Turkey – posted a YouTube video showing two
magnetic spheres levitating on either side of a rapidly spinning bar magnet
that was positioned with its north-south poles vertically. Ucar also
published a paper on the phenomenon, which attracted the attention of Rasmus
the Technical University of Denmark.
With a colleague, Bjørk decided to replicate Ucar’s levitation technique.
“We sat down for …
half an hour and tried. I was like, it’s completely out of the question, it
simply shouldn’t work. And then it just worked. We were completely baffled
by this,” he says.
Read more
Extremely cold drop of helium can be levitated forever
Now Bjørk and several other colleagues, all at the Technical University of
Denmark, think they understand what’s going on.
They started with Ucar’s set up where a “floater” magnet levitates
placed on top of another magnet that is spinning hundreds of times every
second. Then they tested a range of spinning frequencies and floater sizes
while filming the magnets and measuring their magnetic fields. The
researchers also developed a computer simulation of the experiment.
Frederik Durhuus
worked on the project says it is the rotation that is key to the process.
He says many people are familiar with the way two magnets repel each other
when held with both north poles (or both south poles) close together. But
usually, one of the magnets will then simply flip over, meaning that a
north and south pole are close together – at which point the two magnets
stick to each other.
Durhuus says rotation counters that magnetic “flipping” and keeps the
floater levitating. He compares it to the way a spinning top
the downward pull of gravity and spins for longer than we might expect.
Ucar’s experiments show that the effect can persist even when the rotating
magnet is oriented horizontally
rather than vertically like a spinning top. He disagrees with some details
of the team’s numerical and theoretical models, but he says that their
independent validation of this surprising effect is important.
“I don’t think we will be able to make any [magnetically levitating] trains
with this anytime soon, but it will be interesting to see where it can be
useful because it does not require very fancy equipment,” says Joachim
was also part of the team.
Marcel Shuck
<> at
No-Touch Robotics in Switzerland says that magnets are already used for
suspension and transport of objects in some industries. He says that using
the rotation scheme could be a simpler alternative to systems that require
constant readjustment of magnets.
Journal reference
*Physical Review Applied* DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevApplied.20.044036

On Sat, Oct 21, 2023 at 11:21 AM Hamdi Ucar <> wrote:

> Yeah, I knew such a thing will be published but not good as this. My name
> and a link is shown in first sentences so everybody can check it without
> pay-wall. Still dont know what is written at the remaining.
> This event makes my article access stats as hockey stick. Fantastic!  It
> it also shown at
> so it is matter of time that Elon to become aware of it :)
> I am no longer subscribed to Vortex-l. I dont know...but nobody there
> interested on that and did not considered that this mechanism might be
> present in nuclei. If so we can learn too much about the strong nuclear
> force and play with nucleons like chemistry.
> This event comes as honeymoon!
> Hamdi
> On Sat, Oct 21, 2023, 18:00 Terry Blanton <> wrote:
>> Terry

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