--- RC Macaulay wrote:
> http://www.globalresearch.ca/articles/HUD403A.html

I almost wish you hadn't sent that reference, Richard,
as it really makes me realize how far we have strayed
in the never-ending battle of greed vs. fair
government (not to mention wanting to puke at those
who think the present administration has moral
principles  because they are backed by the religious
right). To think that this great country is willingly
turning away from a long tradition of well,
crony-capitalism to what amounts to a petro-criminal
oligarchy, sustained by religious fundamentalism... is
almost sickening. In effect we now are approaching the
equivalent of an Americanized Taliban entrenched in
place of a true democracy. 

>From the reference:

"Much of America's net foreign debt, along with that
of countries such as Argentina, is owed to these
flight-capital centers. This has become the meaning of
"globalization" in its financial dimension."

There is humor in this, I suppose. But it is of the
"you have to laugh or else you cry-type of humor." 

You own two cows. under ~ 
~ Fascism - you  keep both cows, state regulates milk
production, dictates who you sell to, and the price. 
~ Communism - confiscates one cow, regulates milk
production, confiscates most of your milk and profit 
and gives it to unproductive people. 
~ Socialism - lets  you keep both cows, confiscates
most of your profit and gives it to unproductive
people, but let's you vote for the leader who promises
to change things and never does.
~ Democratic Bureaucracy - lets  you keep both cows,
confiscates most of your profit and gives it to
unproductive people. It also buys a large portion of
your  milk and then pours it down the drain. Then it
raises taxes to fund elaborate, expensive studies to
find out why government  is so inefficient.
~ Libertarian Capitalist Republic  - Lets you keep
both cows, the milk, and your profit. It regulates
nothing. You sell one cow and buy a bull. This form of
government only exists in the imagination, however.
~ New American Crony Capitalist Petrocracy - Lets you
keep both cows, and about 60% of the profit. It
regulates nothing directly, but borrows using you cow,
bull, and new calves for collateral. You try to sell
the milk but find the only buyer is an offshore bank,
and they want to take out a second mortgage on
everything to make sure that you buy your tractor fuel
at the new inflated price ... etc etc


BTW for more of a smile, and for the benefit of any
who did not finish the Sunday Puzzle, there is the
subject of my favorite "le mot juste" which is the
"portmanteau word" or morphword...which is a literary
trend that did not begin with either the Beatles nor
email, but goes back to Lewis Carrol, James Joyce and
especially the French, who have so few words to begin
with (OTOH they all sound very nice on the ear). 

"Noovoodoo" is the not necessarily French nor even the
newest in the long lineage (Petrocracy is a few hours
newer) some others:

bionic ..................biology + electronic
blog .....................web + log
brunch .................breakfast + lunch
camcorder ............camera + recorder
email ....................electronic + mail
factoid ..................fact + oid
fantabulous ..........fantastic + fabulous
infomercial ...........information + commercial
motel.....................motor + hotel
smog.....................smoke + fog

... and of course, pundit....... wordplay specialist +

hey, as your local pundit, I represent that remark....


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