Blankjohn herman wrote..
  General post:

   Open question set:

   NB:  This is intended to address real world science.  NOT theory.
Please defive term[s] and or experiment[s] which support answer.

  This is an attempt to guide vortex back toward science, as opposed to armchair
thinking and the like.

Howdy john,

True science has a heavy armchair component and is heavy on theory. Our company 
has an active research budget that has resulted in much failure.... but .. 
occasionally.. even a blind hog can root up an acorn..

Not being a nuclear physicist, I must depend on filtering thoughts that eminate 
from the various posts submitted in this unique group Vortex-L. 

Surprisingly, it has been the " armchair thinkers" here that have provided me 
the most thoughtful stimulation. I must translate what I read here into some 
mechanical component because that is what we build.. mechanical products like 
vacuum induction feeder mixers and controls for industry.
 For example, a single seemingly laughable comment I read provoked a thought 
that resulted in solving a most sophisicated technical design problem.  It 
regarded the design of an extreme wide range  precision  flow control valve  
with a range from 100 gpm down to zero with a turn down ratio of  150:1. The 
problem was solved by thinking about a comment made in Vortex. That comment 
prompted us to realize that industry had no flow meter capable of measuring 
such a turn down ratio.
Shazzaam ! We designed a precision control valve that is linear with flow..  so 
we could use it  also as a measure of flow as well as control. < grin>

So keep those armchair comments a part of the group.. Never know when a 
simpleton for Dime Box Texas knows  how to read.


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