Would you please clear this up.

I am a little confused by the use of 90.000:  If this means ninety-thousand, 
then I would write it as 90,000.  I realize that some use the first convention: 

Date: Wed, 6 Oct 2010 13:21:25 -0400
Subject: [Vo]:

An interesting paper  “IRVING LANGMUIR AND ATOMIC HYDROGEN” by Nicholas Moller where he comes to the same 
I am positing regarding H2-H1 oscillation.
<snip> Had Langmuir been amiliar with ZPE, he would most certainly have reached 
other conclusions in terms of
explaining the extraordinary energy properties of atomic hydrogen. As it was 
proven by Langmuir, the
volume of the hydrogen when dissociated into atoms increases to the double of 
the volume of its molecular
state. Upon recombination, heat energy is released to the tune of 90.000 
cal/gram molecule. When
incorporating ZPE in the explanation of the hydrogen process, it could be 
argued that the hydrogen is not
really a fuel but rather a medium, gateway or a super-conductor of ZPE from the 
vacuum of space,
converting ZPE radiation and ultra-high frequency electrical energy into 
infrared (heat) radiation. On
recombination into molecules the ZPE is “squeezed” out, releasing the absorbed 
energy. </snip>

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