27 April issue of Science opens this way:


A basic equation of electricity and magnetism is wrong, one scientist
claims. The classic formula for the force exerted by electric and magnetic
fields-the so-called Lorentz force-clashes with Einstein's special theory of
relativity, says Masud Mansuripur, an electrical engineer at the University
of Arizona in Tucson. Others doubt the claim but have not found a flaw in
the simple argument that challenges century-old textbook physics.



Stephen Barnett, a theorist at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, UK,
says, "If it's true, it's astonishing"-though he suspects there's a "subtle"
explanation not at odds with relativity.  But Rodney Loudon, a retired
theorist from the University of Essex, UK, says, "As far as I can tell, [the
analysis] is right."




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