This is a heat-pump powered by natural gas instead of electricity. 

Apparently, it is so efficient that it will save nearly half the gas which
the grid plant would use in getting the same amount of air conditioning into
your home in summer, and perhaps an even greater % for heating in the
winter. That is good for the consumer and can be called "light green"...
which is far better than black-as-coal. 

As a practical matter, it will certainly allow MacMansions to lower their
thermometers by a few degrees. Many advocates of renewables will complain
that this is not a good sign for alternative energy - when the winning
technology in this type of competition is not renewable... at least not in
its present form. But you can see why this kind of R&D would never be funded
by the gas industry.

As a practical matter, if a new technology saves fossil fuel and money on
the bottom line then it is a step in the right direction. But can ThermoLift
really go renewable as they hint ?

The company calls their heat pump is "disruptive and transformational -
thermally driven"  so presumably it would not be limited to natural gas as
the power source, which is basically what it is now. If it were solar
driven, or LENR driven- then it would be "disruptive and transformational"
but as of now, it uses natural gas as the power source.

Still it is a step in the right direction, but far from "disruptive and

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