How is (home-based) Solar Energy not free???  The real question is whether it 
shall remain so: Some of us are already paying for the water we pump out of our 
own land, (and put back via the drainfield in our septic system which recycles 
the water so that it does not even pollute the nearby well.)  If Solar Energy 
were more efficient, "they" would probably be taxing it!
All energy is or was free! (until someone took it away from the rest of us, 
imposed contrived shortages,  and started charging based on their control of a 
commodity and not on the basis of resource extraction, processing  and 
distribution cost plus a reasonable profit based on genuine competition between 
ZPE is no different, in principle than Solar.  They are both potentially useful 
forms of electromagnetic radiation. (I'm working on it!)


Subject: RE: [Vo]: Free EM energy from the Vacuum
Date: Sat, 14 May 2011 12:06:45 -0700

How can this be described
as free energy?


Is it anything more than an
efficient photocell…?



From: MJ

    Interesting research!


Here is a link to UC Davis where a related paper can
be had for free:                        

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