Published on Mar 10, 2018
A capacity is calculated from the nameplate spec.s of this "energy savings" 
solid state transformer or SST by it's output spec.s of 15,000 volts open 
circuit and conversely amperage delivery @20 ma short. Dividing these two 
values to obtain an ohmic value of (AC) internal resistance of the source or 
R(int) which in all ferromagnetic cases is assumed to be predominantly a source 
of inductive reactance for the conventional NST model. In that model matching 
the load internal inductive reactance established by open circuit and load 
demand amperage of this "current limited" transformer will result in 
overvolting the secondary by resonant series rise of voltage on cancelled 
reactance circuits in series loop. Here the same thing is done with the 20,000 
hz solid state transformer and to prevent over-voltage the input is reduced to 
half of nameplate voltage operation
Capacitive Resonant Loading of A 20,000 hz Electronic Gas Tube Trans.

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Capacitive Resonant Loading of A 20,000 hz Electronic Gas Tube Trans.

A capacity is calculated from the nameplate spec.s of this "energy savings" 
solid state transformer or SST by it...



Postnote; It took about 18 hours to download this segment to you tube of only 
about 9 minutes. Perhaps "big brother" that allegedly sees everything on the 
internet disapproves of the video since we have laws against agricultural 
freedom; and the video promises to show a method of increasing plant growth 
that has already been historically verified. I will be looking into other 
reasons for this long downloading time which has never happened before. 
Incidentally the last video I posted to you tube was altered to make the claims 
being made appear discredited by using different cycle times on the perusing of 
camera evidence of a probable frequency interference pattern in time, so no 
further videos were posted on that subject..

Pioneering the Applications of Interphasal Resonances

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