Genius often involves seeing the significance of simple insights while 
everybody else is trying fewer, more-difficult approaches. Sometimes difficult 
problems have solutions that are too hard to see, simply because they are so 
simple, and later we marvel that they were not obvious from the beginning. 

Date: Sun, 15 Jul 2012 19:53:37 -0400
Subject: [Vo]:Conspiracy story redox

Conspiracy story redox


Guenther has a point; there has got to be a conspiracy
lurking in this mess somewhere, but the intricate convolutions in this 
saga …the dark and fog choked streets that must be trodden…leads me to another
place than where Guenther has gone.


Rossi has come too far in too short a time. He’s smart but
no one can be that smart. Something does not compute. He must have had help,
and in a big way; THEY must have help him. Rossi has now gone where no one has
gone before and that takes much time an effort. He would have has to take more
time than it has taken him…without doubt, far more time and effort for sure. The
unknowns to be explored are huge and Murphy never sleeps.


Let us see how this story has unwound…an uncommon story
for us but not to THEM. This stuff happens all the time in THEIR business.


It all begins about a year ago…not long at all as these
things go… when THEY first sent out their agents to see if the stories and the 
that THEY were hearing held truth. Their agents dispatched to find the truth 
watched the demos firsthand asking polite questions quietly so no one could
over hear and were careful not to ignite the ire of the fiery genius.  


These reliable and obedient fellows reported back to their
controllers as they were told; and said something might be there. It was hard
to tell but something might definitely be there. On the weight of these
observations, THEY then decided to test this thing that Rossi built to see if
it had any of the right things in it, the important thing that THEY had been
developing for years and that THEY had held so closely and been guarding in
absolute secrecy.


But first it’s best to try everything that you can in your
bag of tricks before you tip your hand. To be absolutely sure, THEY would first
unleash their flame virus on Rossi’s computers…give the hackers their head and
see what they could do… and they found nothing; he held all his secrets in his


How could he do that… how can any man do such a thing, this
would be a harder nut to crack then THEY first thought.  


THEY had to go another way, a more direct route…more dangerous
and out front…not usually good to do…but THEY had no choice, THEY were backed
into a corner … to get to the information that underlies it all; the
information that they had to have. 


THEY had THEIR inside man watching him along with all the
rest of the LENR men; THEY studied his reports closely and THEY were growing
increasingly troubled with what they read. 


THEY might have to wall Rossi off from the rest of the


Had someone uncovered the secret? Had Rossi stumbled on this
most guarded secret by the slightest flight of chance?  To find the answer to 
this pressing question,
THEY decided to set up a test. Is Rossi a fake, or by the merest chance, could
one man come up with something that so many had struggled to perfect? 


Yes, Rossi’s technology was primitive but it was still to risky
for it to let loose on the world. If LENR was now perceived to be possible, some
big energy company would take LENR seriously and eventually find the true path
to cold fusion. 


Eventually the lid would be blown off; the secret compromised,
the cat would be out of the bag, and you can’t put spilt milk back into the
bottle so you had to be cautious to cover all your bases and be forever careful.
There was too much at stake to be careless.


When the test report came back from their man, there was
too much there, too much was working. THEY then thought that it might be best
to take Rossi under their protective wing and into THEIR community to control
him, to educate him to the ways of secrecy, and Rossi was disposed to keep his
technology under wraps.  And they could put
him under a non-disclosure agreement to get him to shut up. 


And when Rossi saw THIER secret stuff, it was like a kid
on Christmas morning ripping open his gifts, he could not resist, he had to
have it, these guys were good and they could teach him much…he could definitely
use these people…and THEY had tons of money…Rossi needed the money…and then to
top it all off, THEY got the MAN at the very top in that big impressive office
with nothing on that big desk…he got up from behind it  to put his arm around 
Rossi’s shoulder, to
tell him with great sincerity how important he was to his new country…an entire
country needed him…he was the key to a new future, and POTUS asked him to help
him…things weren’t going well… Rossi could get this country back on the right
tract again. THEY needed something big...something really bold…a game 
Rossi was the man to deliver it. How could Rossi resist so shrewd a gambit?
THEY knew his ego could not resist…THEY had profiled him and knew what made him
tick. And it worked, with this stoking, Rossi succumbed…he became the newest
member of the TEAM.


But it’s not in Rossi’s nature to keep quiet, he never has,
he can’t keep his mouth shut,  and too
many people hung on his every word…he is a guru in his own  little world of 
admirers and his words are
sought as Devine rite . Well no harm done, WE will let him have a little fun.
His stories that have come out are just too hard to believe.


Didn’t THEY covered THEIR stealth aircraft development
efforts for decades with that stupid UFO canard and THEY could do it again… this
new cover-up could be handled in the same way 


All those people on the internet
say they need some sort of proof to believe and that proof is a working device.
They want to believe but they just have to have proof.


The only proof that all the stories
on the internet are real would be a working prototype…something real that
belches clouds of steam… and that device will never, ever see the light of 
if THEY could help it…NO WAY.


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