This article below is about information storage - not energy, but it is
relevant in mentioning the subfield of “superparamagnetism”… which is part
of an evolving hypothesis for non-nuclear gain. It can be combined with DCE
(the dynamical Casimir effect) to account for net thermal gain in Ni-H
reactions (or thermal loss), or in purely magnetic systems, without
radioactivity. All of these details are features of a “nanomagnetic
approach” based on active particle geometry and oscillation around a
phase-change (or Curie temp).

DCE, the dynamical Casimir effect was introduced by Julian Schwinger in
1992: “Casimir Energy for Dielectrics,” Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 89 4091–3.
Although he was later to become a proponent of cold fusion, it is not clear
to what extent Schwinger himself was  fully promoting DCE as an alternative
explanation for non-nuclear gain (or else predecessor condition for nuclear
reactions). He simply did not have all the pieces to the puzzle then.

When one looks deeper at the Ni-H “miracle” and at nano geometry, then a
major thermal anomaly begins to look minor, even mundane in the sense of
being fully explained as a higher level of probability in Quantum mechanical
effects … except for the ultimate source of energy, of course. This is where
HF ⇔ ZPE comes in. Of course it is too soon to equate the Higgs field with
ZPE, but the implication is so alluring that it cannot be overlooked,
especially in the coincidence of 64Ni being close to half the mass-energy of
the field boson. 

In addition to electron tunneling QM effects such as the Lamb shift turn up…
not to mention spintronics. Both the Lamb Shift, superparamagnetism, and the
DCE portend anomalous heating AND anomalous cooling. All you need is the
right material at the right geometry. The possibility of thermal loss is a
surprise to many observers.

The Lamb shift is a small difference in energy between two energy levels of
the hydrogen atom in quantum electrodynamics (QED). It is basically a spin
flip. It was the harbinger of modern QED as developed by Schwinger and
others. The Lamb shift is tiny in each instance, but lattice phonons move a
terahertz frequencies and higher, so the “transaction rate” for tiny
incremental gain or loss in contained hydrogen, due to the Lamb shift, is
staggering… same with the dynamical Casimir effect of photons, as the two
fit like hand-in-glove. All one needs to realize either anomaly over time is
to impose asymmetry in a lasting way. Magnets are good at that.

Superparamagnetism is a form of magnetism, and can appear in ferromagnetic,
ferrimagnetic, and/or multiferroic nanoparticles. Google has a decent
article ( In properly sized
materials containing nickel, for instance, magnetization can flip rapidly
under the influence of temperature around a threshold level and with
asymmetric gain or loss. The typical time between flips is called the Néel
relaxation time. 

In the absence of external magnetic field, the flip time of the
nanoparticles is considerably longer than the polarized Néel relaxation
time. This is why a magnetic field can help with excess thermal gain or loss
- in the superparamagnetic state. In this state, an external magnetic field
is able to re orient of remagnetize the nanoparticles after the spin flip,
similarly to what happens in paramagnetism, but with higher magnetic
susceptibility and short lag time.


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