In Dr. Y. E. Kim's ICCF-18 presentation he reported that at initiation of
the "sparking" drive, the external magnetic field was measured as 0.6
Tesla. [He did not say what the magnetic field was while cold or during
warm-up, but the implication was that there was little or no field.]  When
excess heat was fully engaged, the magnetic field measured 1.6 Tesla.  In
his talk, he had little else to say about the magnetic field, so in the
break after the presentation, I asked him what else he knew about it.  Was
it static?  How was it distributed around the reactor? He said that he had
very little information on the magnetic field. He said that DGT measured it
with a single, low frequency probe/meter [like one might use to measure the
magnitude of the magnetic field strength in a gap].  The magnetic field is
apparently a new realization for DGT and they will be investigating it

I got the impression that Dr. Kim thought that the presence of a magnetic
field as part of the LENR, and the fact that 61Ni is reported by DGT to NOT
work (while the other isotopes that are all even DO work), are both
consistent with his theory.

In this year's talk, Dr. Kim said that while a condensate is prescribed by
his theory, it may or may not be a BEC - it could be some other type of

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