* * *FRANK ZNIDARSIC & QUANTUM TRANSITION re:  LENR/Podkletnov corollary* * *

*Quantum Transition root-ingress-Plasma as original pre-atomic energy state a 
la Frank Znidarsic*
I've said this all before, but the data is beginning to agree with the posit of 
Protons' within Electro-Valient Capacitance shells as micro-Singularity 
systems.  This is an extension of Einstein's Solar Voltaic electron-field as 
'Capacitors'-model and the Casimir atomic postulates dove-tailing with the 
original posit.
The corollary of "One Million Meters per second'/Quantum-Transition re. LENR 
results and also Frank Znidarsic's finding the 
same within the extended Super-Fluid-Toroid Podkletnov model->re. the 
Quantum-Transition Velocity is 'huge.'
POSIT:  Turn this around 'not' as back-tracking the phenomenon but rather as 
positing Quantum-Transition speed-density(velocity) as a new insight rather as 
QUANTUM-TRANSITION-ROOT-PLASMA that is formative energy state of 
'ingress-plasma' into the 'eye' of the Proton(all protons) as 
balanced-worm-hole connected to said proton-eye as a 'each atom is a balanced 
singularity system.'
Corollary:  The Einstein Solar Voltaic modeling of the Electron-shell(s)  as an 
energy quantum-whole-field CAPACITOR state of graduated  familiar 
electro-valent energy multple levels in onion-layer-like configuration etc.  
Case in Point:  This Einstein Solar Voltaic Electron shell(s)as 
Capacitor-Field(s)  WORKS.  And the Solar Votaic effect is proof of the pudding 
of this model by producing effective technologies.  And in the negative; the 
'old model' of the electron-as-particle orbiting a fixed proton making the atom 
mostly relatively 'empty-space' is a non starter.  The whole-atom is a 
circulating whole-energy 'field-system.'
A co-posit is that 'electron-flow' aka 'electrical current' is exactly like 
'light-Photonic 'current' & is a 'wave-form' that I have referred to as 
'helicoid-wave-string' of Quantum-Electron current via 'Quantum-Electron' 
Velocity-Density Momentum.  Much is semantic, an admittadly Frank Znidarsic 
tends to state the matter more succinctly.  Hydrogens Electro-Valent 
Capacitance 'shell' equals 'One Quantum Electron' and work up from there.  And 
Quantum-Electron wave-current helicoid-string flow would quantify as One 
Quantum Electron would equal=> one Q-Elec. Helicoid-spiral-Wave from 
wave-crest-to-wave-crest; ad Planck-Dirac angular momentum calculations etc.
But specifically I posit that the Frank Znidarsic observation of the 'unity' of 
the various gradient(spectrum) offshoots of 'forces'(EM-Nuclear-Photonic etc) 
from the convergent 'One Million Meters per Second,' indeed indicates here in 
is a Unified Source Quantum-energy state of INGRESS-PLASMA from adjacent 
Dark-Energy HyperSpace.  This Source-Parent-Hyperspace is posited as a 
hyper-velocity/hyper-fluidic while hyper-dense quasi-infinite Super-M-Brane 
state.  And this is what we have been poking toward under the names of 
Zero-Point-Energy &/or Quantum Vacuum which tend somewhat to misnomer because 
Hyperspace is hardly a 'vacuum.' 
'Singularity' is the model for all interflow fluid dynamic balance from the 
atomic micro-singularity level to the macro-cosmological level. This is 
including the original Hyperdimensional singularity that 'big-banged' our 
Bubble-Universe into inflation as well as a virtual-infinite-myriad of other 
universii-sister-bubblels more or less similar to our own.  These 
sister-universii-bubbles are inflated via routine Hyperspace current dynamics 
that form hypervelocity-hyperdense-hyperfluidic swirling current super-eddies 
which are the birth torus's of bubble-universes like bubbles within a virtually 
infinie Hyperspace Champagne.
AND SO: When Jeremy posits the confinguration of Super-Fluid 'bagel/torus' 
reactors to achieve the Podkletnov-effect, he is definitely on the right track. 
 And if the above model is correct this Hi-Density-EM generated 
Bagel/Torus/Toroid Reactor which is functioning like a 'SUPER ATOM' according 
to Znidarsic-&-Jeremy should get much-more than they are looking for.
The Pot-o-Gold of this model; should be that cross-spectrum/transdimensional 
field viscosty should also intitiate a parallel-hyperspace adjacent torus-field 
which should act like a virtual cross-dimensional clutch & pressure plate.  
This should tend to create a common-Einstein-Rosen incipient-worm-hole 
quasi-singularity connecting the Reactor Torus Eye with the kick-started 
parallel Hyperspace Torus.  And this should elicit a super-Podkletnov effect as 
the 'bleed-through' Hyperspace super-velocity-density field while also 
producing hyper-gravity effects.  At this point the bleed-through effect will 
reverse the bagel-EM-input into the 'reciever-inductee' reactor phase and 
becoming virtually a perpetually inducted EM-energy-field reciever from 
Hyperspace ingressed-QUANTUM-TRANSITION-ROOT-PLASMA. * * * And this is the 
'point.' * * *
CASIMIR: Casimir indicates that the Proton-eye-singularity ingressed 
Quantum-Trans-Root-Plasma creates a Torus within a specific 
gyro-gravionic-centrific hypercompressed energy-shell-wall.  The Proton's 'eye' 
as a balance-singularity connecting to adjacent Hyperspace would thusly create 
a micro-Dyson-Sphere-live gyro-centric-hi-gravionc 'shell' & likewise would be 
illiciting the Casimir-cavitation effects that housing a 
transdimensional-micro-singularity would indicate.
The axial-flow of this micro-energy-gyrotorus is indeed the flow-feed of the 
circulating-electro-valent shell(s)f outer Capacitor-acting-like onion-layered 
field.  Within the Proton-gyro-torus-wall are correctly posited Casimir 
trans-temporal geometric effects considering that Hyperspace is a 
Virtual-No-Time/Virtual-No-Distance hypervelocity medium.  Also this indicates 
that the quasi-Hyperspace-ingress of Quantum-Trans-Root-Plasma creates a 
High-Gravitic-axial-lobe-effect  mirrors in parallel  both the atomic-level as 
well as with our macro-level Super-Fluid Bagel/Torus Reactor.
A short jump should lead us to surmise that the hyper-gravitic 
Quantum-Trans-Root-Plasma around our Bagel-Reactor would tend toward 
trans-temporal manipulation a la' Casimir-Effect.  And if this Super-Fluid 
Bagel Reactor were within a 'craft,' then we might expect it's flight 
characteristics to elicit quasi-Casimir-transtemporal distortion effects that 
would exactly mirror likewise posited Casimir effects at the atomic-proton 
level in parallel with the Bagel-Field's(quasi-macro-electron) 
shell-field-bubble of a Quantum-Transition-Root-Plasma 'gate' Reactor.
I'm thinking that this above outlines the ultimate destination-conclusions and 
R&D futures of what Frank Znidarsic has labeled the Quantum Transition Effect.  
And I'm calling it the Quantum-Transition-Root-Plasma Effect.
The Znidarsic LENR cross-corollary of  'One Million Meters per Second' 
Quantum-Transition velocity is indicating really cool possibilities for the 
further developement of inter related Cold-Fusion future strides.
Case in Point:  The Super-Fluid-Bagel/Torus Reactors promise virtually-infinite 
access to cross-dimensional inducted power for global & regional powergrids.  
And for mass-global-transit such will also welcomely obviate high Carbon/CO^2 
generating, JP-4/Jet Fuel  guzzling Airline-traffic etc.  Thus simply 
'not-fouling' our precious atmosphere is worth the price of admission 
However: Practically for day-to-day, up-close-&-personal uses Cold-Fusion is 
the related technology of choice.  We don't need 'large-transtemporal-effects' 
occurring under the bonnets of our personal vehicles for instance. . . .  
Super-Fluid Reactors &/or Cryo-Super-Conductor forms of same do not lend 
themselves to Personal Vehicle &/or home-dwelling functions etc. & 
compact-sophisticated functions.   But Cold Fusion most certainly is the most 
promising avenue of application of these extended 
Quantum-Transition-root-Plasma principals for practical energy system(s) that 
are vital to our overall global energy uses for these types of applications 
relative to humanities' day to day needs & crucial compact-energy 
quasi-overunity technologies.  In short; batteries will 'not' cut it for the 
Methinks that this future is already happening and not 'Blarney.'~:-)-Cheers;  
Jack Harbach O'Sullivan


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