New Energy Times attempts to demonstrate the profitability of the alleged 
"investment scheme."
//Excerpt of note:

Energy Catalyzer Patent Applications - Italian Deadline Approaches 
A deadline is approaching for Rossi and his Italian patent. In the U.S., there 
is no requirement for an inventor to reduce his or her invention to practice - 
that is, to make and sell it. But in Italy, there is. According to Marco 
Porsia, a patent and trademark attorney in Italy, if Rossi does not manufacture 
and sell his E-Cats within four years of the filing date of his Italian patent, 
he loses his exclusive rights to the Italian patent. If he defaults on a 
reduction to practice, he must issue a compulsory license on request to anyone 
who wants to use his patent. Rossi's deadline is in a month, on April 9. 
When a U.S. and EPO patent is issued, the inventor can sit on it doing nothing 
for the life of the patent. But this is not true in Italy. There, the inventor 
must "reduce to practice" or make and sell his invention (not just prove it 
works in a demonstration) to keep and hold his exclusive rights to his patent. 
According to Italian law, Rossi must also maintain continuous production and 
sales, or he could lose his rights. Even though Rossi has led many people to 
believe that he has sold a device and he has such a facility, he has shown no 
evidence of either. 

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