A Large Mechanical Force from the Quantum VacuumNASA's Breakthrough Physics 
Propulsion Program concluded that we might someday use the momentum of  the 
photons of  the Quantum Vacuum to eliminate the cumbersome on-board 
reaction-mass and fuel of rockets. According to Stochastic Electrodynamics, the 
photons of a universal, self-existent Zero-Point Energy Field continuously 
impart their momentum to matter, physically causing the speed and positional  
uncertainties  of  subatomic  particles,  Einstein's Brownian Motion,  Van der  
Waals Forces,  and the anomalously energetic behavior  of  liquid helium.  Like 
the moving part in any Casimir Force Experiment a Quantum-Thruster needs not to 
supply its own energy or reaction-mass because, it too, is accelerated by an 
external force, the radiation pressure of the photons of the Quantum Vacuum. 
Though bombarded uniformly from all directions, it experiences a net thrust 
because even completely identical photons impart twice as much momentum to its 
more-reflective side as to its more-absorbent, opposite side. Quantum-Thrusters 
are the consummate Prime Mover for anything we want to move and for all the 
clean energy we could ever want.
(US and International Patents 
 and NPA Conferences' Paper 
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 2010 11:34:16 -0800
Subject: [Vo]:How to go from force to energy - Casimir heating or cooling

Message body

I’ve been thinking further about how it might be possible to go from a force 
(pressure) to continuous energy via Casimir geometry. Normally, any force like 
gravity or inertia is a one-way street, unless there is a disconnect in the 
overall symmetry which can be exploited by a rapid transaction rate. It can be 
positive or negative.


Fran Roarty has  explored the possibilities of time distortion and relativistic 
effects, so I will not repeat that, but it could be related. Here is another 
slant. The force must be applied via rapidly sequential phase changes using an 
intermediary (like pycno-hydrogen) so that thermodynamically, the system acts 
like a see-saw or pump around a certain threshold temperature. It does this 
because the intermediary can “be” either a fermion or a composite boson, 
depending on “compreture.” As a composite boson, monatomic hydrogen can act as 
an “energy carrier” for a characteristic value of ZPE.

A few months ago, Claus Turtur republished his expanded ZPE hypothesis that 
includes numerous improvements over what we saw two years ago, including the 
formula at the end of section 9, which emphasizes the importance of 6.8 eV. 
Unfortunately, Turtur still does not have the precise rationale for this value 
– i.e. the Dirac epo field and the ionization potential of positronium. He does 
have some interesting insight on other points.

Anyway, it is clear that Casimir heating can serve as a valid alternative 
explanation for LENR heat - even when radiation shows up, eventually. This 
point needs further attention, as it is not obvious.

As an alternative to LENR, Casimir heating 'implies' but does not explain how 
nuclear reactions or transmutations (which admittedly can show up) happen in 
these materials, usually in the form of a weak force reaction. The key point is 
that nuclear reactions are a secondary QM EFFECT and by-product of prior energy 
depletion in a time-reversed situation, instead of being the prime CAUSE of the 
excess heat. Any transmutation will presume the lowest energy available type of 
nuclear transition – a weak force reaction.


This is the rationale for delayed radiation and/or transmutation - in those 
excess energy reactions that run long enough: the nuclear reaction is a QM 
“book-balancing effect. And let’s make it clear that this is completely 
different from the W-L version of a weak-force modality involving a bogus 
‘ultra low momentum neutron’. There is simply no such species.

This line of reasoning (time-reversed QM reactions) has been proposed by myself 
and others for years as being the underlying reason why radiation and neutrons 
are seldom seen in LENR; but first came up with regard to an alternative 
explanation to Mills/BLP (which can also be seen as a Casimir heating 
situation). There is a relic of the reaction in ultraviolet radiation due to 
the relationship of the fine structure constant and the epo field (which is 
based on 6.8 eV  I.P. of positronium, and NOT on the 27.2 eV level).

One of the earliest references to Casimir heating is a mathematical model, 
"Phase transitions induced by the Aharonov-Bohm field" by Krive al.

of Kharkov State University in the former USSR, which came out

about the same time as the P&F announcement. Too bad Turtur is unaware of this 
work as there is some similar math which seems to fit the circumstances.

In that study, the influence of the Aharonov-Bohm  (A-B) flux causes

oscillations; but these are ZPE-like quantum fluctuations and are accompanied 
by sequential energetic phase transitions (i.e. repeated transitions between 
the ordered and the disordered phases at the nano-level). The key leap of faith 
for Casimir heating is *asymmetry* in a narrow range that operates via access 
the Dirac epo field.

Obviously, if you put a piece of nickel in a hydraulic press and take it to 
near failure, it heats up. It would cool on relieving the pressure, but the 
Casimir can be engineered into a dimensional range via the introduction of a 
“medium” such as densified spillover hydrogen. There can both anomalous heating 
OR anomalous cooling, in the same way that the Casimir can be either attractive 
or repulsive, dependent on slight geometrical variations.

The “near mechanical failure” of the host matrix could be an important 
criterion, since it relates stress to strain, but the forces do not need to be 
externally applied. Surely, the same kinds of stress and strain can also occur 
with internal loading, since the effective pressure of the Casimir – at as it 
turns out is almost identical to Young’s modulus of metals like Pd and Ni, etc. 
Many ceramics are actually higher. I should credit Frank Grimer for coming up 
with that connection a few years ago.

In a nutshell, small changes in internal stress as it relates to compressive 
strain could provide continuous heating due to quantum fluctuations which are a 
well-known feature of these cavities. When the medium is fermion-like, it 
releases energy, but when it is boson-like it absorbs “negative” energy in 6.8 
eV quanta. Given the Casimir attractive force relationship:

Casimir force  = pi^2 h_bar area / (240 a^4), pressure can be computed: 

Casimir Pressure = force/area = pi^2 h_bar / (240 a^4)  where:

vc = 3.00^10 cm/sec

h_bar = 1.05457^-27 erg sec

a = distance between plates

Now assume the dimension 'a' is at the nano level at the low end of the FRET 
resonant transfer:

  nm              dyne/cm^2       psi

1.00           1.30E+14      1.89E+09

2.00              8.13E+12      1.18E+08

3.00              1.61E+12      2.33E+07

4.00              5.08E+11      7.37E+06

5.00              2.08E+11      3.02E+06

These are Frank’s numbers and they appear to be correct. There are huge 
pressure swings in this range, as you can see. The calculated pressure at a few 
nm is on the order of Young's modulus for materials such as steel (~29,000,000 
psi). But Young's modulus is a change in force per area over change in length. 
This change in length is not in the stated Casimir Effect relationship, but 
perhaps it should be – since the vibrational mode could also be in nm, and 
should be is more than enough to add substantial heat via pressure changes, if 
there is asymmetry at say - one nm of excursion due to quantum fluctuations. In 
the table above, it looks like the range between 2 and 4 nm would repeatedly 
push any metal and most ceramics to near failure.

Now take a look at the nanopowder experiments which have been fostered by 
Arata-Zhang. Most of them include a ceramic with nano-sized inclusions. A major 
and previously unrecognized reason for the ceramic could be related to the ease 
of formation of Casimir cavities on repeated cycling of heat. ZrO2 has a 
monoclinic crystal structure at room temperature but transitions to tetragonal 
at increasing temperature. The volume expansion caused by the phase-change 
induces massive internal stress, and will certainly cause ZrO2 to 
nano-fracture, on cooling. Thus the advantage of repeated heating and cooling: 
Casimir cavities to hold spillover so that it can become densified.

Therefore the ceramic can serve three distinct purposes – both as the needed 
dielectric for spillover - but also (with phase changes) there is natural 
Casimir cavity formation, and third using quantum fluctuation in those cavities 
(and/or time distortion) in order to force the dense (pycno) state. 



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