Shuji Nakamura, the researcher who developed the blue light LED, was awarded Finland's Millennium Technology Prize. He certainly deserves it! See:

"The Millennium Technology Prize is Finland's recognition for innovators that aim to improve quality of life.

The prize has been established to steer the course of technological development to a more humane direction."

Naturally, if cold fusion succeeds anyone working in the field will deserve this prize, but the prize is awarded to people who actually have produced practical, working device that is widely used. That is perfectly reasonable. In the last 20 years, I cannot think of anyone who has done more for people worldwide than Nakamura. The blue light LED lead to the white light version. (To simplify, this is because red and green LEDs already existed, and blue was all that was missing to make white light.) Not only is this invention now bringing light to one third of the human race that lacks electric-power and illumination, it will also vastly reduce worldwide energy consumption in first world and Third World countries. Nakamura has probably done more to alleviate poverty and reduce energy consumption than all of the environmentalist do-gooders tied together. I include myself in that group, by the way. We have good intentions but -- let's face it -- we are largely ineffective.

Nakamura may even be more effective than Bill Gates, who is the most generous philanthropist toward the Third World in history.

Nakamura is an angry fellow at times, and he wrote a scathing book about the plight of innovators in Japanese society, in Japanese, titled "Ikari no bureikusuruu" (A Breakthrough in Anger), Shuueisha, 2001. I recommend it. I have told him I would be willing to translated it, but he has not responded. If you Google "Shuji Nakamura" you will probably find one of his outbursts in English. One article that comes up is titled, "Shuji Nakamura: Inventor & Pariah," which is an apt title.

I doubt that any living cold fusion researcher will ever be awarded anything other than the Frozen Boot, but if they are, I expect they will drip so much ire, they will make Nakamura look friendly in comparison. (A friend of mine who lived in Stalinist Russia said people there used to talk about "getting the Frozen Boot" from the authorities. When you got it hard enough you would be booted all the way to frozen Siberia, or the basement of the Lubyanka prison. One person who ended up in the Lubyanka was told: "we know you are innocent but we have to meet quota, so we added you to this month's list.")

- Jed

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