Have you googled today?



Twitter users solve Google's crop circle mystery

Tuesday, 15 September 2009

Eagle-eyed users of microblogging site Twitter claim to have unearthed
the secret meaning of today's "Google doodle", a depiction of crop
circles spelling out the Google name which has puzzled many users of
the ubiquitous search engine.

In conjunction with today's alien-themed logo, the official Google
Twitter account tweeted a set of coordinates at around 4AM, as well as
a link to an image of the crop circle logo. As Twitter users noted in
reference to the image, those coordinates indicate the position of the
town of Woking and speculation began on the significance of the town.

As residents of Woking will attest, the West Surrey town's affinity to
UFOs lies in its position as the setting for the first martian landing
in science fiction author H.G. Wells' War of the Worlds, and moreover
the author lived there for much of his adult life. With the 143rd
anniversay of Well's birth next week, Twitter users now believe they
have got to the bottom of the mystery, concluding that the images (and
tweet) are coded references to the upcoming anniversary. User
joshgjohnson noted, 'this is a "lead-up" as was the Sept 5th logo', an
earlier Google doodle which depicted a flying saucer apparently in the
act of abducting the letter 'O'.

The timing of the reference is unusual, however, with six days until
the crucial date, and further speculation has turned to its
significance, with some suggesting a link to a sighting of a UFO in
nearby Bagshot Heath, made on 15 September 1985. With next Monday the
date of the official anniversary, internet users and science fiction
fans alike will be searching for clues in the coming days to try and
work out what Google is planning as a tribute to a man generally
regarded as the finest science fiction writer of all time.


Well, I have found a better explanation of the abducted 'O':


Google's mystery UFO doodle finally explained
by Chris Matyszczyk

I know there are some people who have not slept for fear that Google
had finally committed itself to some alien culture.

Well, some outerworldly alien culture. Well, some outerworldly alien
culture where all beings were green and no one used phrases like
"market segmentation" and "41 shades of blue."

You see, a mysterious doodle appeared on the Google home page. It
showed an alien spacecraft making off with the second "O" in the word

Were we really expected to merely gogle now? Didn't that sound
uncomfortably close to ogling?

Though there were no references to the Church of Scientology, Google's
first pronouncement on the subject did not quell the concern.

The questionably benign company declared: "We consider the second 'o'
critical to user recognition of our brand and pronunciation of our
name. We are actively looking into the mysterious tweet that has
appeared on the Google twitter stream and the disappearance of the 'o'
on the Google home page. We hope to have an update in the coming

The world continued experiencing the occasional shudder, until
Google's Twitter page produced this revelatory tweet on Friday:
"1.12.12 15 1.18.5 20.15 21.19."

Well, it was revelatory to those who think in a certain way, one to
which I can only aspire.

"Yes, of course," those who think that way said to themselves, while
simultaneously slapping their heads with a fly-swatter. "It's a
reference to that wonderful Japanese video game of the 1980s, Zero

Now, look, I've heard of Vera Wang. But somehow Zero Wing passed me
by, though I think it would be an excellent name for a fashion

However, those on the inside (of the spacecraft) tell me that Zero
Wing is terribly cool and features extremely characteristic English

Apparently, Cats, a villain even greater than the Andrew Lloyd Webber
musical, makes this declaration at the beginning of Zero Wing: "How
are you gentlemen. All your base are belong to us."

Well, when you take all those numbers in the Google tweet and turn
them into the corresponding letters of the alphabet, you get: "All
your O are belong to us."

Why would some Googlies want to feature Zero Wing now? Well, it's the
game's 20th anniversary.

So there. The problem is solved. The world is safe. Google has not
been taken over by aliens.

Or can we really be sure of that?


Hey, who took my Cherios?


PS  Speaking of Vera

"Does anybody here remember Vera Lynn
Remember how she said,
That we would meet again,
Some sunny day.

What has become of you?
Does anybody else in here feel the way I do?"


I'll never forget her song at the end of Dr. Strangelove

"All your Beatles are belong to us."

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