How do you spell congradulations, is it congratulation
or congradulation?
Congratulations -noun 2. congratulations, an _expression_
of joy in the success or good fortune of another.

>Jed Rothwell

>Wed, 07 Nov 2012 11:22:46 -0800

>>OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson <> wrote:

>>Well, Jed, you predicted final count would be 303.
>> U wuz right.

>>Plus I said 2% of the popular vote, which was right on the nose.

>>Obama will probably take FL so I was too conservative. But FL is amazingly
>>close. You might as well say both sides won it.

>I can't really take credit. I was just picking the pollsters I trust most,
>and Nate Silver, who sure knows a lot about statistics and s/n ratios.

>Gallup veered far from the other pollsters, but in the end fell almost back
>into line. It was almost right. You have to hand it to those people. As I
>suspected, their definition of "likely voter" (LV) was a little too
>conservative. See:



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