A New Twist in the Sad Saga of Little Albert

January 25, 2012, 5:12 pm

By Tom Bartlett

<<A paper published this month in the journal History of Psychology
makes the case that Little Albert was not, as Watson insisted,
“healthy” and “normal.” He was probably neurologically impaired. If
the baby indeed had a severe cognitive deficit, then his reactions to
the white rat or the dog or the monkey may not have been
typical–certainly reaching universal conclusions about human nature
based... on his reactions wouldn’t make sense. The entire experiment,
then, would be a case of a researcher terrifying a sick baby for no
valid scientific reason (not that using a healthy baby would have been
ethically hunkydory).

But what makes it worse, the authors of the paper argue, is that
Watson must have known that Little Albert was impaired. This would
turn a cruel experiment of questionable value into a case of blatant
academic fraud.>>


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