
I agree with most of that statement.  I believe Nature keeps them as far
away from life as possible, locked into large black holes in the vacuum of
space, possibly within stars corona's and on earth gravity should act on
them over time as they make their way to the core.  These are all safe
places away from life as we know it.  While they generate heat that allows
life, they are also uncertain for life.  Maybe collapsed matter is a better
definition?  There are recent theories that they do not evaporate


On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 9:56 AM, ChemE Stewart <> wrote:

> All,
> I have updated my blog, sounds like some are interested, some are not and
> that is fine.  I am up to 22 predictions from my theory, some of which may
> be a stretch but are relevant from my set of QM goggles.  Prediction No. 22
> is particularly interesting and relates to the foundation of quantum
> mechanics so I will list it below and it might explain the delays of cold
> fusion products hitting the market:
> The more precisely the position is determined, the less precisely the
> momentum is known in this instant, and vice versa.
> --Heisenberg, uncertainty paper, 1927
> Uncertainty.  Based upon Heisenburg's Uncertainty Principal the creation
> of singularities, which are a pure quantum mechanical construct, will
> create uncertainty in their surroundings.  It is therefore theorized that
> any location in the universe that has a large mass of these micro
> singularities either residing or being created will have an increase in
> uncertainty within their surroundings.  Within a piece of equipment this
> uncertainty will manifest itself as equipment failures and reliability
> issues as the singularities created over time take up residence in the
> structure of the equipment and gradually destroy it from low level Hawking
> radiation, Fission, Fusion and Chemical Reactions.  This might be seen as
> short circuits in wiring, plug failure, vessel failure, brittleness,
> extreme energy events, etc.  If these singularities escape the device they
> may take up space in biological organisms.  Although they may instantly
> find a stable state, over time as they are excited by outside radiation,
> they may become unstable and trigger radiation, fission, fusion and
> chemical reactions within an organism.  Due to gravity, they should find
> their way over long periods of time to the earths core where nature
> isolates them.
> Godspeed
>  --
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