Steven Vincent Johnson wrote on 2-25-09:

``Thomas, You have stated most succinctly that in order to
be accepted in what seems (at least to me) to comprise a
very exclusive membership for acceptance to The Rapture ...

Thomas wrote:

A Holy G-d is obligated, because he is holy, to bring
about the expiation of sin from the world. I'd love to do
something about this, but it's not my place. More to the
point, this expiation will require blood shed ...

Steven wrote:

You state: "... this expiation will require blood shed ..."

Those are heavy words, Thomas. Such a statement causes me
to wonder how you are able to personally reconcile what is
considered to be one of G-d's most important commandments,
which you clearly state is, "love your fellow man as your
self?" ...''

Hi All,

Most of the many groups which formed during the early
nineteenth century are merely amusing, lacking a core of
malevolence -- Mormons, Millerites, Shakers, the Oneida
group, etc. -- but the Darbyites are different.  In my
opinion, they are the backbone of the modern pro-death
movement in Britain and the U. S.

How many gallons of blood will it take to fill the Valley
of Jezreel to the height of a horse's shoulders?  How many
billions of people will G_d have to slice up with a sword
to spill this much blood?

I was thinking of the Darbyites when I wrote some time
ago that I see no difference between the Fundamentalists
and the Satanists.

Jack Smith

P. S. If "A Holy G-d is obligated, because he is holy,
to bring about the expiation of sin from the world ..."
how is that statement compatible with the belief that
salvation is possible by faith alone?

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