On June 7 of 1935, Erwin Schroedinger wrote to Albert Einstein to
congratulate him on what is now known as the EPR paper, a famous problem in
the interpretation of Quantum Mechanics. Soon thereafter, he published what
was to become one of the most celebrated paradoxes in quantum theory:

A cat is placed in a box, together with a radioactive atom. If the atom
decays, and the geiger-counter detects an alpha particle, the hammer hits a
flask of prussic acid (HCN), killing the cat. The paradox lies in the
clever coupling of quantum and classical domains. Before the observer opens
the box, the cat's fate is tied to the wave function of the atom, which is
itself in a superposition of decayed and undecayed states. Thus, said
Schroedinger, the cat must itself be in a superposition of dead and alive
states before the observer opens the box, ``observes'' the cat, and
``collapses'' its wave function.

You may ask in respect to cold fusion, what does all this have to do with
Schroedinger's cat?

Well, when the proton who is a member of a coherent ensemble: a classical
macroscopic domain has coherently tunneled into a nickel atom who lives on
the surface of a nickel lattice, Quantum Mechanics tells us the state of
the proton must be described by a ``superposition''.

The proton inside this nickel nucleus is at the same time as it were, much
like the cat is in a superposition between dead and alive because its fate
is coupled to the quantum coherence decay. However, as our proton/nickel
nucleus system shows, the effect of an environment on a quantum
superposition can be drastic, even destroying the superposition, thus
hinting that for all practical purposes, the cat's wave function will be
``collapsed'' into either the dead or the alive state.

Finite temperature behavior of the lattice is interesting in and of itself.
The rate of decoherence turns out to be proportional to the temperature to
the power (2alpha -1), and thus increases with increasing temperature if
alpha < 1/2, mimicking the so-called Quantum Zeno effect.

The Quantum Zeno effect, also known by terms such as "a watched pot never
boils", was named after Zeno, the fourth century Greek philosopher famed
for his paradoxes and conumdrums. It is usually invoked for a class of
effects in which constant monitoring of a quantum subsystem drastically
slows down its dynamics.

As the temperature rises, the substrate vibrates more, more phonons are
excited, and the combined effect of each phonon ``measuring'' the position
of the proton and increases QM decoherence.

We can exactly calculate the coupling constant alpha in terms of the
elastic constants, the density and the force difference between the
positions of the atoms. These can be independently measured, and thus an
experiment could carefully test all these theories of how the environment
(phonons) affects an embedded quantum system (our tunneled coherent

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