

by *Guido Grassadonio <http://www.greenstyle.it/autore/guidograssadonio>*

 Source: E-Cat World

*Defkalion* back to make itself heard. Andrea Rossi's competitors are, in
fact, returned to the office putting out news that all fans of *LENR* find
juicy. The ' Hyperion <http://www.greenstyle.it/storie/hyperion> , the
so-called E-Cat greek (but now, after the transfer of registered office,
rather than Canadian), has found new partners and finally has a date
guidance for its official presentation to the world.

But first things first. A new company, a startup, the U.S. energy company
by the name of *Phonon Energy* has not only announced his interest in the
reactions of commonly referred to as cold fusion
<http://www.greenstyle.it/storie/fusione-fredda> and a collaboration with
the departments of the University of Seattle, but he also admitted that he
had started a partnership with Defkalion.

Some rumors also speak of purchase by the Phonon Energy production licenses
of *greek reactor* . In short, a major bank, for Defkalion, both
economically, and it is especially in terms of building a network of
alliances and greater credibility on the scene.

Do not forget, in fact, that the point of credibility remains a fundamental
distinction in the world of LENR, since there are plenty of skepticism
around these reactors that promise to subvert the laws of nuclear physics
known today.
  &amp;lt;a href="
target="_blank"&amp;gt;&amp;lt;img src="
border=0 width=300 height=250&amp;gt;&amp;lt;/a&amp;gt;

The Defkalion would, in turn, confirmed the whole thing. To say it is a
curious Canadian, who asked the gods by e-mail to the company and received
a response letter that explains how to:

   - They'll actually a *joint venture* with the Phonon Energy in the near
   - The Hyperion has come to final testing and should be ready for the
   presentation of the prototype pre-marketing for the end of summer

Obviously it is difficult to determine how reliable they can be here by
this news. If you will not be denied in a short time, however, within a
couple of months we should be able to see the fruit of the work of greek
Canadians. Always, of course, that is not all *hype* , as critics, but also
the same when Andrea Rossi talks about his competitors, they suggest.

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