The following is pure speculation on my part:

Is it possible that the anomalous heat recorded in Rossi's eCats has
nothing to do with a nuclear reaction - and particularly as having
anything to do with the nucleus of nickel.

I'm wondering if it possible that the anomalous heat is actually due
to how hydrogen in close proximity is forced to react to being
"atomically" close to nickel atoms, where the surrounding environment
is simultaneously being held at a carefully controlled high
temperature. I'm wondering if it might be feasible that the anomalous
heat is actually due to the rapidly fluctuating states of hydrogen as
the element disassociates back and forth between molecular and
mono-atomic states. I bring up this "speculation" due to my memory of
the infamous balmer line experiment that BLP had advertised as "proof"
that massive amounts of heat were being generated from a supply of
rarified hydrogen held at near vacuum. The individual hydrogen atoms
were recorded to have been in a highly excited state while being
bombarded with (I believe) UV (or microwave) radiation.

The point being: There appeared to have been a massive amount of
anomalous heat that was being generated, far more than could be
accounted for through traditional chemical means.

For some inexplicable reason, I keep thinking of Fran's work.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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