The very large scope of cold fusion reactions that have so far been
discovered lead me to conclude that there are many separate and distinct
mechanisms involved in the Cold Fusion phenomena; any of these mechanisms
taken on their own may result in only a very small and barely detectable
production of energy.

For example, cavitation of salts of transition metals has resulted in the
production of neutrons.

The Cold Fusion mechanisms at work in this case are different than those
involved in the transmutation of elements by living systems.

I would guess that there are about a dozen Cold fusion causations at play
throughout the entire range of the Cold Fusion field.

In my opinion, what Rossi has done is put a large number of these disparate
mechanisms together to produce an exponentially reinforcing set of
causations which produce in their totality useful levels of energy.

When these separate cogs of this clockwork composed of many cogs are
examined separately, no one cog will be found to impress.

But when properly assembled, the Cold fusion clockwork will form an
impressive energy production machine.

Rossi is confident that the workings of his clockwork are too complex for
the world to discover in its entirety. Even Rossi himself does not know how
the whole thing fits together.

He, like most people, will concentrate on only one or at most a few of these
cogs and not see the whole picture of this conundrum, this Gordian knot of
multiple causations that is the Cat-e.

Explicitly stated, Mills has found some of these cogs, Jones Beene together
with his many associates explain others, Roarty, Dr Kim and Piantelli, found
still more. All these workers are right to some extent; but their
conjectures when incorporated into associated systems will produce only
limited energy. None of these workers are totally right; so far only Rossi
is totally right. He put his clockwork together over a very long time,
through blind luck, shrewd trial and error observation, and dogged

The intellectual property rights that underlie the Cat-e will be impossible
to untangle. No doubt, Rossi will spend the remainder of his life in court.
He needs to be very careful to get something for his efforts before the big
boys step in to wet their beaks in the carnage to come.

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