As with most alleged conspiracies. People with similar interests naturally do 
the same things. 
It is just plain old-fashioned non-orchestrated Self-interest.
While on the topic, yes there really are people who "conspire" to pull a lot of 
strings, but the diversity of their individual self-interests probably negates 
their influence to quite a degree. 

The Truth!
The Powerful Interest are sitting precariously on top of an enormously unstable 
human pyramid.  You and I are the ones holding them up!!! The number one ally 
they have is most of us!!!! How???  At the end of the day, our lie is the only 
thing they have going for them!!!
The Lie
ORGANIZE EFFECTIVELY AGAINST THEM!  (Not shouting, just excited!!!) 
The Tried and True Solution:
They are woosies compared to the tyrannies our ancestors dealt with! They 
overthrew the Inquisition, the general civic authority of the Roman Church, the 
Aristocracy, dictatorships, Communism in Eastern Europe (more or less!) radical 
Islam's days are numbered---its still happening, Aristotle and other foolish 
traditions and superstitions. The Scientific Revolution has taken off. 
Industrialization overcame the power of the craft-guilds. Our society has 
devoted itself to questioning everything.  There is much less of the fallacy of 
appealing to authority. We can change our paradigm from value based on 
contrived scarcity to valuing abundance. We can overthrow the Special Interest 
of our day.
My point is this: we, as their children have a rich inheritance that resounds 
with the words "WE CAN!" I have very carefully worked out the details on 
exactly how this can really be done. I have mapped out a strategy that will 
really decapitate special interests from the political process.
A small group of people will have to work their butts off recruiting even just 
a few  more people--with years of toil and no visible result. The Sheeple will 
have nothing to say about it except "BAAAAD" Baaaad!"
At some point the still-small group will reach a critical-mass.  They will look 
like ordinary Sheeple so when they start moving out in a new direction, more 
and more people will suddenly stand up and move out with them. Historically, 
nearly every major movement that seemed spontaneous was rooted in this sort of 
We had an Off-Year World's Fair in Spokane in 1974 (I had just turned 17). You 
had to stand in line up to half an hour just to use the toilet! My buddies and 
I were sitting around bored one day, (we all had season passes.) Suddenly, 
inspiration hit! I jumped up and proclaimed: We need just one-more line (one 
more queue.) --A line that goes to nowhere!!! 
We found a door and watched to make sure it "never" opened, recruited just a 
few more people and started the line. The fact that the line was the shortest 
in the Park added to the appeal! We quickly accumulated a line of more than 
fifty people, then sat back and watched the line perpetuate itself for about 
two hours, until the officials noticed and told everyone!
Fortunately, my current line (queue) will actually take us somewhere! Some 
early-comers will join us because we are small and avante guarde (spelling?) 
more will join because it's becoming fashionable, yet more will join because it 
is then fashionable!
The moral of the story is this, sheeple follow other sheeple, they also follow 
radicals disguised as sheeple. The trick is to recruit the first 
"wonderers"---people who think for themselves are few and far between--but they 
can be gathered together if even a small seed group is willing to work long and 
President Kennedy said: Others look at the way the World is and ask: Why? But I 
look at things that have never been and ask "Why Not?."
Please read my papers. I have labored very hard to work out many vital details. 
z-pec.yolasite.comRead the Links under Populistocracy.
ScottWm. Scott SmithUSA+ five zero nine, three one five, one one nine four

> Date: Sun, 19 Jun 2011 12:05:46 -0400 Subject: Re: [Vo]:A worldwide 
> conspiracy against the Rossi effect
> From:
> To:
> On Sun, Jun 19, 2011 at 11:17 AM, Akira Shirakawa
> <> wrote:
> > 1- The fake diagram of steam has been given to the “snake”
> Anyone have any idea what he means here?  I do not recall a diagram.
> Is he speaking of a water phase graph?
> T

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