Dear Friends,

It is Sunday and it is my pleasure to send you the
issue No. 22 of my faster info newsletter:

Many very good papers signaled, the last one in the
list , about *"temporal orientation"  *is, I think, especially
relevant for LENR and these forums.
LENR has a unusually long history, actually *pre*history-
pre-acceptance and pre-technologization , and this cannot
be attributed integrally to the ill-will, limited competence
and rigid scientific prejudices of the dominant class of physicists.
I have tried to give a more balanced explanation in my Miscovery

have failed till now the paper has not generated any reactions
no excommunication but also no critics.

Don't worry, LENR+ will prevail.
Wish you a fine weekend,

Dr. Peter Gluck
Cluj, Romania

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