Secrecy? I shared many details with Mr. Ouellette and look what happened - he is ONLY attempting to sell my Plasma technology for $10 Million dollars in Canada.
My testing was put off for 11 months and I never got the chance to personally have my devices tested by Hal as per our agreement. If Hal failed to properly duplicate my devices, conditions required (or both) for neutron or energy release - any negative opinions about my device must stem from unauthorized USE of my patent. Would the esteemed Dr. Puthoff please provide public detail as to what my patented devices do not do to his satisfaction? 
Jones, I think you are an exceptional person and it was not my intent to put you on the spot, however I also trusted Puthoff and all this has taught me a most valuable lesson.
Trust no one.

Jones Beene <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

No one is suggesting or hinting that your particular device
doesn't "work." It obviously does something with plasma, but your
continued secrecy is hard to justify, since you have a patent in

No company with the means to benefit will risk the consequences of
IP theft under these circumstances - look what just happened last
month with a far lesser-valued idea. Toshiba tried to steal it and
now owes the small company near here called SanDisk a whopping
$755 million and that is just the start. There is talk that
SanDisk may end up owning Toshiba. Every major company in the
world see this. And though there are some foolish CEOs out there -
the chance of someone actually stealing you idea, or suppressing
it, is miniscule. Even Enron wouldn't have gone that far and
scum-bag companies like that are getting thi! nned-out fast.

Plus, in the past you have indicated that your invention is NOT
primarily for energy production but for waste management or
diamond films etc - So the $64 question is - are you now claiming
that it is robustly overunity in terms of Pin-Pout and can be
used as an energy device?

If it is OU, then why not publish data and enlighten us as to what
is going on? You seem to want your share of acknowledgement that
it is a great discovery, and perhaps it is, but most of the people
who follow this forum have been down that road too many times to
take someone's word for it... Plus... when the back-story
degenerates to some kind of nebulous "conspiracy" then it begins
to sound like Jack Carey or Dennis Lee, and I'm sure that you do
not want to be identified with that type of self-promoter.

Otherwise, if you want to intellectually contribute to the breadth
and depth of the ZPE "information pool" which will help o! ther
experimenters to eventually succeed, then that is certainly OK and
welcome here too -

....but it does us all (all who are interested in the maturation
of these technologies) a huge disservice to suggest that Puthoff
is somehow a tool of the CIA, or whatever. What he did for them
years ago involved "remote viewing" and that was in "another
lifetime" almost. It is laughable to suggest he is a tool of this
present administration, anyway.

That kind of loose-cannon talk only serves to diminish your own
credibility at a time when you should be thinking positive and
putting the best face on your own work - which can be easily
accomplished with some level of disclosure.

You need real data in the public domain so that replicated
experiments and independent verification can follow - just as
Naudin/ Moller are doing - ad hominem attacks serve no useful
purpose and are actually counter-productive in the long-run.


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