molecular-genetic-spontaneous reprogramming:  I wrote a STEM + IC article where 
we projected that considering that Eternal-Infinite VIRTUAL-NO TIME/VIRTUAL 
NO-DISTANCE 'timeless-zone' hyper-speed-dense AEXODARKSPACE/Hyperspace contains 
a myriad virtual-infinitude of low speed-density 'bubbles' which are 
'universes' like champagne bubbles such as our own. I tagged/named 
AexoDark/Aeternal-Space/hyperspace the 'Ubiquitous-Infinite 
Tachyon(speed-dense) SUPER-M-BRANE-TORSION CARRIER WAVE that flatly 'carries' 
all other wave=form-energetics/wave-length existence.  Carrying of STRING etc. 
fits handly with this descriptor. . . The thing which is a must-be-given is 
that this ubiquitous-infinite energy-medium of which 'we all' & 'every 
energetic phenomenon/atomic object etc. that exists on the 
SUPER-TORSION/INFINI-BRANE that exists;' exist together in inter-relationship 
and concert upon.  In the Omniverse even 'chaos' must perforce exhibit an 
over-reaching contiguous harmony of 'process within an over-riding matrix.' 
That the INFINI-BRANE is a vibrant hyper-compressed data-medium is more and 
more obvious; and if 'life' exists at any spot upon the INFINI-BRANE; then the 
entire Ifini-Brane IS LIFE. . . and this is 'not' chaos but rather 
INFINI-SENTIENCE. . . so consistences in pattern matrix's across 
bubble-universes &/or throughtout the VIRTUAL-INFINITY bubble-multiverse-spread 
might in such as DNA & physics exhibit harmonic-contiguity, and this may not be 
so suprising. . . or not . . . an Infinite All-Mind-SUPER-M-BRANE/AETERNI-FLOW 
would tend to be Infinitely Creative as well as Infinitely Intelligent that 
even limited minds such as ourselves might imagine with a fair degree of 
potential accuracy. . .  And this would be since being 'creatures' of the 
Super-M-Brane pattern matrix then 'we' would 'tend' to reflect the 
infini-pattern-M-Brane-Matrix in our developing 'thought-creative' mental 
while in college I did a summer in the Rocky Mountain Oil-Gas exploration 
fields for summer hiatus.  I experienced a rather dramatic drilling rig 
accident where my left wrist was crushed very nearly to the point of severing 
of my left hand.  Prognosis was subsequently grim and ten days later my 'hand' 
was pronounced dead-gangrenous-sayonara scheduled for amputation the next day 
10:AM at the local hospital. . . Next day 8:AM at married friends apt.(I needed 
moral support)  I exhibited the 'nasty' looking remains of my left/wrist-hand 
'show & tell' to my good friend which received due commiseration.  His young 
wife enters the door and 'yucks' my hand but with uncharacterist intensity & 
power and 'joy'(oddly) she engages me and tells me that the night before she 
eperienced a life-changing 'Messianic' 
experience-encounter-metamorphic-revolutionary 'incursion' into her 
body-mind-heart-spirit etc.   I am a Jew with much of my family Messianic, but 
my 'messiah' has always been RATIONALITY by my own reckoning. . . HOWEVER:  The 
lady had an unmistakable & notable visible 'glow' radiance about her(and 
there-to-fore she was 'no'  mother Teresa). . .  BUT her 'glow' poured over 
me(I admit with vivid physical sensations and emotional impact).  23rd Pslam as 
we all know is the 'Lord is my Shepherd' yadda-yadda psalm with the line, "And 
He annoints my head with 'oil'."  I experienced the 'oil' asan intensely vivid 
sensation that was also pouring 'inside' my 'mind' as well as 'over my head & 
dripping off of my nose and eye-brows.  I had never been amenable to 'religious 
piousness' in any form(and I am still resistent to the entire 
religious/true-believer premise.) BUT  the 'oil-heat' coalesced at my left 
shoulder and two sceptics(myself & 'her' husband/my old friend) & an 
experiential 'believer' watched amazed as a rose-colored glow traveled down my 
arm, through the hideous damage and infection to my finger-tips. . . and the 
BIO-PHYSICS OF MY DEAD HAND was REVERSED and from that moment to this my hand 
is perfect. . . One friend tried to tell me that I was a 'latent encarnation of 
Buddah.'  At that statement I told him that he was a latent incarnation of 
Goucho-Marx. . . . The 'Over-Sentience' of the Infinite All-Mind reversed 
standard bio-entropy & reversed it stunningly. . .  from that day to this I 
admit that the inexorable conclusion of my thoughts/notions of the "Infinite 
cohesive & governing Sentience of the Super-M-Brane" is a concept that was 
branded upon my soul-psyche-spirit(whatever) from the moment that 'I got a new 
hand.'  Otherwise you'd of never heard of me because even as a 'two-handed- 
key-boarder,' frankly, I suck. . . . So the notion that DNA radioactive-damage 
transcript inhibition; and ultimate failure can be 'reversed' by the nature of 
the Super-M-Brane/Sentient-Torsion/TachyonSpeed-Density Infini-Carrier wave  
DELIBERATELY-OMNICONCIOUSLY(and maybe 'lovingly') now seems absolutely possible 
& probable.  And who am I but just another schmuck with an over active 
imagination? Definitely 'nothing special.'  I'm the guy that looks into the 
shaving mirror every morning and trust-me;  'not' very impressive. . .  But 
'He' who has invested us with his substance/sentience must intend to invest us 
with answers and by 'knowing' that; we shall perservere with enough of His 
embued 'courage-heart-awe-wonder' to get to the heart of the various wondrous 
matters that we so diligently enquire after.  And the vascular surgeon that had 
to cancel my amputation surgery did 'not' have any doubts as to the empiricle 
'facts' of the affair, though he was notably 'short' on theory. . . but 'God 
Knows' I am rarely short of 'theory.'~;^) Seek and you'll find, knock and the 
door 'will' be opened. . . cheer up. . . methinks we have more 'help' that we 
tend to acknowledge.  I know that Albert E. tended with his fantastic sense of 
humor and expansive affection with all those who were generous enough to open 
their minds & hearts tended to project similar insights.  That encourages me & 
I hope that youse guys get a lift from it as well.  Ciao. . .  persist, 
perservere, hope! 
Date: Tue, 24 Jul 2012 17:35:50 +0200
Subject: Re: [Vo]:the "Radiation Paradox"

What is well know science today is thate unlike the radioprotection assumption, 
effect of dose is not at all linear without treshold.

in fact any agression, like oxygen, chemican aggressors, heat, sun, radiation, 
might cause DNA error.

if the dose is very low, the cell detect the error and launch "apoptosis" 
(clean suicide).
if dose get higher (the cell know that because of neighbor messaging) the cell 
use  heat shock protein system to repair nicely all the errors.

if errors get too numerous, the repair start to be dirty (just filling the 
when it get worse, the cell stop doing anything and let it happens.

the result with that system is that a small dose of radiation, sun, heat, 
chemical, might activate heat shock protein defense system, and help the body 
resist higher dose.

This is probabloy the mechanisme behind some case of Hormesis observed.

Maurice tubiana have written article on that subject.
the only I have found is in french

the tresholh that seems probable todazy is 
below 100mSv : nothing
few 100mSv, long term negative effect (lower than usual bad behavior like 
overweight, alcohol, tobacco) but shot term hormesis protecting from high dose 
like 1Sv

1Sv well know short term disease
5Sv half death
8Sv all dead

recent treatment might have changed the higher dose mortality

despite the rumor no effect transmitted on descendant, but strong effect on 

half dose for kids

about heavy dose, much above 1Sv, note the recent breakthrough tested on ices 
that allow to save from death, by avoiding infection from the intestine...

for some Chernobyl thyroid cancer is only cause by stupidly allowing kid to 
drink contaminated milk from local contaminated cows.

that is the point to manage in fukushima.

2012/7/24 Jed Rothwell <>

Many people in Japan think that low level exposure to radioactivity in hot 
springs is good for you. That includes many scientists. Hideo Ikegami thought 
so. There may be something to it.

We are evolved to survive low, natural levels, so I doubt they cause much harm.
Jones Beene <> wrote:

 Yet - long term study of the survivors of the atom bombing of Hiroshima and

Nagasaki have indicated the exposure after a bomb can cause a slight excess

in cancer rates in the exposed individuals who survived the blast, but it is

surprisingly small.
Survived the blast for how long? Thousands of people died in the months 
following the blast. Some died from ordinary wounds but many others from the 
effects of radiation. Various different effects, such as anemia. The radiation 
caused many diseases other than cancer. I know some survivors who have a 
lifetime of ill-health and weakness, although not cancer yet.

Assume that "long term" means living more than 20 years after the blast. I 
expect that group of people were either not exposed much, or they happened to 
be extraordinarily healthy and resistant to the anemia and other effects. In 
other words, weak people were killed off in the first year.

Although the survivors have been intensely studied, I have some doubts about 
this epidemiology. The results are tainted by politics on both sides. Some what 
to emphasize the long term health damage; others want to downplay it. Also, I 
think the group might be too small. Even with hundreds of thousands of members 
it may not be large enough to detect statistically significant variations of 
some forms of cancer.

- Jed


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