Please below my reply find all contortions.  Need a program to follow 'em.  
Thats p-r-o-g-r-a-m, not p-o-g-r-o-m!  Seems as this thread has ludicrousely 
contorted into a religious one with a bent not accustomed to, a Judaic one.  
Rarely have I heard any evangelization for Judaism in my life, but evidently 
there is a first time for everything.  Maybe what Thomas and others are 
refering to is the holy roller idea of the '144,000', something like the 
'4400' on the Sci-Fi channel.  Lots of rollin' in the aisles and froth at the 
mouth and handle snakes types of cults talk about the '144,000.  Maybe that 
is all the modern Israel has room to handle to resettle an indigestible 
radical Christian minority in its midst amongst the jihadi, the parsees, the 
dervishers, the sunnis and the put upon but usually honest shias.
  As for space travel relegated to 'Amazing Stories'.  I might take up science 
fiction writing myself after hearing that amazing statement.   Truly amazing 
for appearing on this list.  This is supposed to be a scientific list, not a 
religious one.  
   There is a slightly off kilter article appearing in this months 'Scientific 
American' concerning a possible granular nature of
space time itself and of even Einstein doubting himself in his later years
and bewailing that if his doubt was right, then all modern physics would
go out the window.  I think that the eventual result will be slightly more
Hegelian and incorporate some of Albert's ideas in a new overarching
theory set constituting a superset of his and many other ideas.  Some of
these ideas may concern an analogy with sound wave nature with respect
to spacetime.  As such, separate reference frames are postulated and
a new look at Dr Carazani's theory of Autodynamics may come into play
as well.
    Most current 'visualizations' of black hole gravitational dynamics involve
the concept of a 'funnel' in spacetime.  Such is two dimensional thinking!
How about an expansion of the sound wave concept of compression and
rarefaction?  Here black holes would distort space as a huge but finite at
some point compression, and intergalactic spaces as rarefactions.  Other 
rarefactions may exist as well.  Eddies in the continuum may manifest as
wormholes.  Energy forms of sufficient intensity to manipulate space in
this manner may utterly circumvent relativity as all velocities are relative 
to something in the space they are in.  If space itself is manipulated to 
shrink space in front of a volume of space that somehow remains unaffected by 
the distortion yet controls and powers it, and if space behind this volume
is expanded by similar controlled forces so that the three dimensional web of 
the fabric of space and the three dimensional web of the fabric of time is 
left minimally distorted at distance from the disturbance;  then this volume 
will be able to translate itself across vast distances virtually without 
moving, thereby becoming immune to inertial effects in the process since it 
exists in its own reference frame in the midst of the distortion.
  Einstein himself mentioned about the ultimate strangeness of the universe.
   The time to accomplish this travel may prove to be almost nil.  Should
the ability to cross temporal lines be possible as well, it may well be that
causality preservation will be a la Thomas Wolfe.  You cannot go home
again.  You could go back, but not on the same vector in three dimensional
temporal coordinates.  You would be in a different reality that would look the
same  but not be.  See Jane run!  No Jane, you cannot do in your grandpa,
as the one you try to do in will not be your grandpa,  but someone else, or 
not even exist.

All Ideas and text in this above letter copyrighted. All rights reserved. 
Copyright 2005 by L Castleton

On Sunday 04 December 2005 19:21, Felix King wrote:
> Hey now, that sounds exciting! When I was in sunday school, they taught us
>   all this liberal stuff about loving your enemy and helping the poor, etc
> etc... Didn't make a lick of sense to me. What you're saying sounds a lot
> better.
>   So what's the deal, how do we keep from getting exterminated? If the
> torah's involved, then it's the jews who'll be saved? No good for us then.
> Sorry about that old bean, with a name like Malloy I'm afraid you and I
> will be roasting with the a-rabs and the other heathens. OTOH it sounds
> like good news for that  Jed Rothwell fellow, he's got it made. Is it
> possible to pay someone or say some magic words to keep from gettin'
> smoked?
>   Yrs truely, Felix King
>   By the way, if the saved people are gonna be resettled in Israel, what
> happens to the Israeli's? The muslimoids have been tryin' to get rid of 'em
> for years, no luck there. And aren't they already pre-saved? Help me out
> here, this is all pretty confusing to a newbie.
> thomas malloy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>         I posted;
>   And Felix King responded
>   Wow! that sounds intriguing. How will humanity be cleansed?
> thomas malloy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   You have to realize that if that scenario is correct, A: my paradigm  of
> the coming cleansing of humanity is wrong.
>   The planet will be emptied of it's population over a seven year period.
> The survivors, who have been divinely protected, will be resettled in
> Israel and a Torah based theocratic monarchy established. The details are
> in the Bible.
>   And Steven Johnson responded
>   >John Luc, in a huff, storms away shouting over his shoulder that he
>   > refuses to >believe in the possibility that the Universe is run that
>   > badly.
> >
> >You are in good company, Thomas. As you can see, even great star ship
> > captains >experience their own moments of terror.
>   Well Steven, what to you think of the prophesized theocratic monarchy, is
> it your worst nightmare?
> >> B: There is a wrinkle in physics which will allow us to
> >> vacation in distant galaxies the way we now vacation in
> >>
>   >> the south pacific..  If it were to
>   >> come true, we would be a blight on the galaxy,
>   >> just ask the Native Americans.
>   >
>   >As astonishing as this might sound, I tend to agree with you on this
>   > one.
>   No Steven, I'm not amazed at all. No one get out of bed thinking, what
> can I do to make a the world a worse place today? It doesn't take a rocket
> scientist to realize the fact that we are a blight on the world, and that
> we are poisoning ourselves. The greatest problem that we face is not
> chemical pollution however, If we started cooperating, and stopped
> poisoning ourselves with consumerism and militarism and sexual immorality.
> We could remake the earth into a paradise. but this can't happen because of
> human evil. The continued existence of humanity is contingent on the
> expiation of evil. The expiation of evil however requires that it be
> defined, that's where Torah comes in.
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