Some distinctions between single phase and

"If the load on each phase of a polyphase source is
identical, the instantaneous power output of the
alternator is constant." HW Jackson
As we can imagine then for a single phase application
we arrive at the situation where the instantaneous
power out from a single phase is NOT constant, and
actually crosses a zero input at twice the frequency.
Therefore any magnetic fields in expression appear to
expand and collapse in space through the polarity
change, and the magnetic field is not constantly
present in time. To create the effect of a "rotating
magnetic field" as is present in polyphase motors the
magnetic field must be constantly present in time,also
appearing to rotate in space which is satisfied by the
proper placement of off phased coils.

A single phased source can be given different reactive
loads to mimic this requirement, that a magnetic field
be continually present in time, and also appear in a
different location corresponding to the rotation. A
mental model can be made for the requirements using 4
large air core induction coils, where we will assume
these coils operate in pairs to mimic a polyphasing at
90 degrees. The large induction coils I have
experimented with can be used for an example, as they
are 20,000 winds and have been used in  experimental
air core magnet motors, rotating a 50 lb magnet
structure 400 rpm. In this analogy a real model is
necessary so that a known Q factor can be cited  for
the operating coils, so that a efficiency comparisons
between a "mimiced" 2 phase system, and a hypothetical
actual 2 phase system can be compared.

In this situation then, the coils have a operating Q
factor of 15: which means that when series resonated
at 60 hz, there will be a 15 fold internal rise of
voltage with respect to the input, so as to enable 15
times more current then its  measured reactive
current: to conduct through the coil to produce the
magnetic field  which for series resonance is almost
perfectly phased at near zero degrees with respect to
the source voltage. This begins quadrant ones magnetic
field in rotation. When phase 1's magnetic field has
collapsed to zero, phase two's magnetic field is at
its fullest expression in time, and in this case an
identical high induction coil can be used, where if
the inductance is large, so that X(L)>> R, (15 for
this example), this makes the phase angle of the the
actual amperage vs voltage source near 90 degrees,
thus also a corresponding magnetic field from the
reactive coil appears timing wise in quadrant 2.
However that current, as the reactive current will
have 15 times less current, from the same voltage
source powering both branches; thus 15 times less
magnetic field then existed at the start in quadrant
one, thus to produce a balanced magnetic field in
rotation, in order to increase the AC current in phase
two a 15 fold step up transformer would be needed,
thus also ordinarily implying that the power
requirements for that phase: for that phase to mimic
the needed polyphase magnetic field rotation, would
actually exceed what the phase would draw in quadrant
1, as the phase that was resonated. The efficiency
comparisons are easily shown by the fact that the
required voltage rise to establish a sufficient
magnetic field are obtained for free in quadrant one,
because of the series resonant rise of voltage, but in
quadrant two it is paid for by an increased amperage
consumption by the source to obtain the same voltage
rise as what the q factor of the coil will dictate. If
in fact we substituted a bonafide 90 degree off phased
emf for the source of quadrant two's magnetic field,
then it also could be series resonated and obtain the
same efficiency found in quadrant one. Thus on first
glance the mimiced polyphase system should be at least
Q/2 less efficient then the actual polyphased system,
for the given air core analogy.

One may protest that since quadrant two consists of a
transformer driving a large inductive load, that we
could improve the efficiency of that branch by
applying a power factor correction on the primary. But
the doing of this should destroy the effect we are
trying to similate, which is a rotating magnetic
field. Applying that power factor correction to
quandrant two should actually also change its phasing
difference from the source voltage, so that making a
power factor correction also reduces the original 90
degree phase angle difference, thus increasing the
efficiency reduces the phase angle for the mimiced
polyphase branch, which reduces the effect of a
rotating magnetic field.

Postnote; Pending further experimentation a very
remarkable thing should be explored. It would appear
from investigations that using long columns of coils
in (3 Phase)resonance so that the coil group lengths,
even though they are arranged to be adjacent lines of
coils which should only show mutual inductance from
the adjacent pole endings;  reactive mesurements show
they have no measurable mutual inductance and also
operate according to the 120 degree phased inputs, yet
when two of these phases are resonated from 120 degree
sourcings, they instead appear 180 degrees out of
phase by both respective amperage and voltage
measurements. It should be rediculous to assume that
that if a third group of coils were to be added to the
two, that three sets of 180 phase angles could be
procurred. BUT, what if stopping resonant magnetic
fields in rotation instead increases the time
differential BETWEEN those phases. But the question
remains, what WOULD OCCUR? I think this should be
tried soon....

Tesla Research Group; Pioneering the Applications of Interphasal Resonances

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