Captured little UFOs have little weapons - and the little ships, should have come from a base ship. Has anyone considered the weaponry available to the defense of the Base Ship? If the Aliens ever wanted to attack us we are totally defenseless even with the most advanced duplications of Alien technology. Even a small UFO, such as Lazar revealed as the sport model is infinitely superior to our most advanced military fighters.
Picture a fragile 30 foot ship with puny particle beam weapons attacking a fortified base ship 100 miles across - then ask what good our deployment of space based weapons would be against, what MUST be considered a far superior intelligence? And if that Base Ship could attack from Pluto or through time, joining forces would be futile. What would space based weapons be good for then? Use against Earthings of course.
Unite to fight a civilization so advanced they can traverse the universe and or TIME at will. If they were going to have attacked the superbeings of planet Earth, they would have done so long before particle beam weapons were duplicated from their own Alien craft as shot down by the Peace loving Earthings.
Of course, when we are forced to UNITE to defend ourselves against alien weapons - how will we defend ourselves and what will be required of US to be defended? Let me guess - One World Government, disarmament, subjection to military rule? All because the Aliens that our politicians told us never existed before, have now decided, after thousands of years of watching us - to attack the peace loving Earthlings without warning with weapons we cannot even fathom.
So MacArthur thought we can defend against an interplanetary attack, by what - grabbing pea shooters and joining forces on the battlefield? The only ones with a proven history of death, destruction and genocide are the Earthlings, which are being watched by an advanced civilization that is simply waiting for us to grown up and realize this.

Terry Blanton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

It is MacArthur's that I find most interesting.

"The nations of the world will have to unite, for the next war will be an interplanetary war. The nations of the earth must someday make a common front against attack by people from other planets."

Was he insane?

BTW, UFO's are very much on topic for this list.

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