The first sound waves left imprint on the Universe


The Primordial Harmonic Template of the Universe ( Quantum
Spherical Standing Wave )

" Everything is determined, the beginning as well as the end, by forces over
which we have no control. It is determined for insects as well as for the
stars. Human beings, vegetables, or cosmic dust, we all dance to a
mysterious tune, intoned in the distance by an invisible piper."

- Albert Einstein

When the first thunder bolts and lightnings struck the primordial land and water, the Template for specific resonating vibrations, was forged for all extant vibrant entities by the cosmic fire - The Keynotes of Life's Resonance

Every atom, molecule and organ of the body has a natural and optimum frequency referred to as the "resonant" frequency. Any disresonant object will become resonant when exposed to its keynote or resonant frequency. This is Bioresonant Detoxification.

The implication of the correct frequency is health . This Primordial Template is the Will of the Superconsciousness or God, with the provision of Intent and Desire for evolving cosmic material.The reflected sunlight into space by orbiting planets [ albedos ] is vibratory gestures of goodwill and Love. The Planet Venus is described as a planet of Love and Beauty for the simple reason that she reflects 80% of sunlight back into space . Light is life-giving water. Light is liquified gas,

In the first carbon-containing blob of basic elements is " God " - the concept of animists ascribing the life-force (carbon) in rocks, stones and living organisms. It takes its first " morphic breath " of Chi, Prana or Vital Force which gives it form and pattern through self-organizing resonant vibrations and synchronises its "Internal or Biological Clock " with the environment in rhythm with the Schumann Resonances and the Circadian Rhythm of 24 hour alternation of Night /Day or Ying/Yang Cycle.

When the chaotic reverberations of thunder and lightning finally subsided, there descend Symmetry and Grace when Forms and Patterns unfold in the morphogenetic fields , sustained by the bioenergetic radiation from transmutated minerals. Through self-organizing resonant vibrations, basic amino acids were formed and with mineralization, these amino acid aggregates developed catalytic properties. It is with the synthesis of enzymes that the DNA molecules are modelled and formed with a double helix . The fundamental property of the DNA molecule is its immortality which differentiates it from other material. From a molecular perspective, science has taught us that every cell in our physical bodies originates with the original DNA molecule. The first DNA molecule represents the fundamental note or first harmonic frequency. Every molecule in our physical body owes its' origin to the formula contained in this first DNA molecule. The first DNA molecule has a formula of frequencies and assumes that molecules made directly by the vibrational formula contained in originating molecule of DNA will have a vibrational relationship to the original or creator DNA molecule [ Metatones Theory ].DNA and RNA molecules, the chemical carriers of the genetic information, are not rigid biochemical structures that can be manipulated easily, but rather laser-active media (Hartmut Muller, Raum & Zeit, 109, 2001, page 55). They generate optical holograms which are in resonance with electromagnetic fields of the earth, moon and galaxy and control both protein synthesis and embryo genesis.

It, was experimentally
proven ! Living DNA substance will
always react to language-modulated laser rays and even to radio waves.

Light and Sound equate holographic unity - Sonoluminescence

The Sound of Light audible in vibrant Cosmic Silence can only be visualized in the Universal Mind.

Let there be Light

The Word is God.


With regards


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