I was listening to Richard Hoagland of www.enterprisemission.com being interviewed on C to C AM the other night. He made some measurements of the transit of Venus, with the Moon I assume, from the Coral Gables mansion a few weeks ago. He was using a system which uses an Acrutron based timer, which uses a tuning fork's oscillations as the basis of the time calculations. During the transit, the frequency of the tuning fork's vibrations changed. According to the hyperdimensional physics paradigm, during a transit of a celestial body, the tuning fork's frequency of vibration is supposed to increase, which it did. He has also made some measurements of the transit of Jupiter with the Moon.

According to G R, gravity, and the force produced by mass exposed to acceleration or deceleration are interchangeable, according to the hyperdimensional paradigm, they aren't.

He and his associates have wired Coral Gables, so that they can make measurements from their office in New Mexico. Since their visit to Coral Gables, the clock in his laptop has been affected. He attributes this to the carrying case. I would assume that the clock in the laptop is controlled by a quartz crystal. He promised to relate the Coral Gables' date to secret societies in the next hour, but I fell asleep.

There are more details about this on the Enterprise Mission website.

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