Re: [Vo]:Buster Keaton and the Michelson Morley experiment

2020-12-11 Thread H LV
If matter spontaneously leaned into the aether wind then stellar
aberration would not arise.


On Fri, Dec 11, 2020 at 12:09 PM H LV  wrote:

> I just realized that I am just making use of the well known phenomena of
> stellar leaning into the aether wind
> can`t explain the MM experiment.
> Harry
> On Tue, Dec 8, 2020 at 5:20 PM ROGER ANDERTON 
> wrote:
>> Well one of the things that has confused me when taught relativity is- if
>> have length contraction of an object in one direction and not perpendicular
>> to that direction; then surely its getting denser along the contracted
>> length and then increase gravitational force in the perpendicular
>> direction; so should cause contraction in that direction also (?) But
>> gravitational effect seems to be ignored.
>> -- Original Message --
>> From: "H LV" 
>> To:
>> Sent: Tuesday, 8 Dec, 20 At 21:06
>> Subject: [Vo]:Buster Keaton and the Michelson Morley experiment
>> Can Buster Keaton explain the Michelson Morley experiment? ;-)
>> Instead of length contraction in the direction of the aether wind,
>> suppose the perpendicular leg of the MM apparatus leans into the aether
>> wind instead.
>> The right amount of lean could have the effect of lengthening the travel
>> time on the nominally perpendicular leg so that no fringe shift is produced.
>> Harry

Re: [Vo]:Buster Keaton and the Michelson Morley experiment

2020-12-11 Thread H LV
I just realized that I am just making use of the well known phenomena of
stellar leaning into the aether wind
can`t explain the MM experiment.


On Tue, Dec 8, 2020 at 5:20 PM ROGER ANDERTON 

> Well one of the things that has confused me when taught relativity is- if
> have length contraction of an object in one direction and not perpendicular
> to that direction; then surely its getting denser along the contracted
> length and then increase gravitational force in the perpendicular
> direction; so should cause contraction in that direction also (?) But
> gravitational effect seems to be ignored.
> -- Original Message --
> From: "H LV" 
> To:
> Sent: Tuesday, 8 Dec, 20 At 21:06
> Subject: [Vo]:Buster Keaton and the Michelson Morley experiment
> Can Buster Keaton explain the Michelson Morley experiment? ;-)
> Instead of length contraction in the direction of the aether wind, suppose
> the perpendicular leg of the MM apparatus leans into the aether wind
> instead.
> The right amount of lean could have the effect of lengthening the travel
> time on the nominally perpendicular leg so that no fringe shift is produced.
> Harry

Re: [Vo]:superluminal mind

2020-12-11 Thread Jones Beene
... hope this is not off-topic
Have you tried setting up a pair of identical nested tubes - one as transmitter 
and one as receiver, separated by significant distance - in order to see if 
there is unusual efficiency in transmitting power?
The lore of "longitudinal/scalar waves" seems strangely applicable to this 
design. Also - how does the resonant frequency scale with smaller and smaller 

It would be a huge challenge to reduce the structure to micro or nano geometry 
for lithography but maybe not impossible. Heck perhaps the operative mechanism 
can itself be fractalized

Re: [Vo]:superluminal mind

2020-12-11 Thread Don Mitchell
[Errata oops: the tubulin 'spiral' term used below is rather a helix on a
cylinder, not a spiral on a pineapple.  My bad.]

Hi Shawn,

I'll try to explain a bit... the tubulin protein is an integral part of
life.  The DNA is pulled apart by tubulin nanotubes into halves for cell

An amoeba, explains Dr. Hameroff (anaesthesiologist --a consciousness
doctor) can be sucked up into a syringe, and it will eventually escape.
But if repeated, a one-celled amoeba somehow remembers how it escaped, and
gets out faster.  Each suck-up and escape is quicker.  Splain dat, Lucy.
No brain there.

OK, so, tubulin forms in cylinders, and tubulinA and tubulinB are
interspersed in the cylinder such that the A & B parts form the Fibonacci
pineapple spirals down the length of the tubublin nanotube.

The spiral pattern is also branching off with protein (?) junctions to
other nanotubes.  These nanotubes and junctions number in the billions per
every cell.

Lots of images and YouTube videos, and papers, and attempted rebuttals are
available on Google.

The search term is the name of the Theory --Orchestrated Objective
Reduction,  Orch OR Theory.   And image search, too.

Why does resonance decay in a nanotube into the spiral pattern?  Great
question.  Dunno.  Uneducatedly, I'd venture that the resonance setup time
is a few cycles to build, and the impedance of the tubulinA and B molecules
are slower to 'tap into' the resonant envelope.  An impedance mis-match.
But yet, is not some non-linearity needed in first principle to oscillate
on a steady potential?


BTW, the nanotube resonance has been tested independently from Hameroff
with nanoprobes on a nanotube driven with pulses... and they have a
resonant peak at 40 Hz... which is the highest 'clock rate' of human
brains.  That is the rate of the quantum-relaxation, charge/decay/repeat.
There are many many many quantum oscillations per each relaxation --which
wave collapse is called 'objective reduction' by Penrose and
Hameroff, i.e., a quantum wave collapse into a programmed tubulin 'organ
pipe, per se, --and the 'organ pipe' is more a flute, with tuning-holes in
the flute representing the branching protein that taps into the pipe.

Sean, I love your 'wave articulation matrix' image and concept... and want
to do a mind merge with you (but the group-mind-mirror isn't yet ready
<--that is attempted humor, ish).

What other structures? Well... I gots a favorite.  It's a torus knot.  A
three-phase array of knots on the same torus form.  I want to test this and
learn what it has to disclose.  I'm not sure which direction my thoughts
should trail without more tests.

Here is a set of parameters for a 'golden orthogonal torus knot'...
Major radius: Phi^(2)
Minor radius: Phi^(2) - Phi^(-2)

These parameters set the hole radius at the square root of two, curiously

This is the same torus profile algebraically, but scaled up to higher Phi
Maj: Phi^(4)
Min: Phi^(4) - Phi^(0)

So that would notate as
Maj: Phi^(n)
Min: Phi^(n) - Phi^(n-4)

Now!  When the torus major and minor radii above are used to specify a
torus knot profile, then if a knot ratio is selected as a Fibonacci pair an
orthogonal angle will be created between the helical knot windings across
the minor radius (viewed through the plane of the torus).

Almost orthogonal, that is.  The Fibonacci sequence adjacent pair of 13:8
as a torus knot ratio will produce 0.007 normalized error.

13/8 = 1.6250
Phi = 1.61803...

The closer the normalized error is to Phi, the closer the knot loops are to
orthogonal from outer to inner windings through the hole.

Pretty cool.  Integer resonance with a very irrational set of parameters
--except for the Fibonacci integers.

The Fibonacci Phi approximation error can be compensated in a real knot by
a slight elliptical stretch on the minor radius to stretch the torus on the
axis (0.007 part of scale). [Scale morphing should make standing waves on
the torus walk forward or backward, I reckon.]

So then, as the opposing conductors are orthogonal at the equator, and skew
from that toward the poles, then at resonance, there will be an inductive
dead-zone at the equator of the torus knot array (resistive contribution at
the equator due to orthogonality).  This equatorial zone will not
contribute to the harmonic envelope when pushed to resonance.

So then then, I would anticipate a resonance of this orthogonal knot would
tend to form standing charge regions that are bipolar, above and below the
equator. <-- I think it would take a lot of Watts to push a bipolar
resonant voltage pattern.  (With more caveats... the 2013 disclosure
claimed 30,000 watts of random magnetic pulses at around 30 kilohertz to
push an ionized layer of air out at eight feet diameter --a glowing sphere
enveloped it).  Lots of caveats apply.

Opinions?  Experience?

How would one create a macro-tubular Fibonacci spiral resonator that was
also a relaxation oscillator?

Seems to me that voltage field