The SAFIRE project is a system in which polariton Bose condensation is at
play. This system converts what is generally  microscopic into the
macroscopic. The inches wide anode serves to support a inches wide
polariton Bose condensate. Bose condensation is mathematically described
by Gross-Pitaevskii theory.

Creation of vortices in BEC

Stirring one/two laser beams:

J. Abo-Shaeer et al., Science 292, 476 (2001)

The examples show approximately (A) 16, (B) 32, (C) 80,and (D) 130 vortices.

The vortices have "crystallized“ in a triangular pattern. The diameter of
the cloud

in (D) was 1 mm after ballistic expansion, which represents a magnification
of 20.

[image: image.png]

This system can inform us a great deal about the theory that underlies the
LENR reaction. For example, SAFIRE's operating temperature is in excess of
80,000 K. This raises the question about coherence of a polariton BEC at
that extreme temperature.

In the Gross-Pitaevskii equation, there is a math term that relates to the
force that confines the BEC.

[image: image.png]

The Higgs vacuum theory of the reaction is predicated on the observation
that the anti Higgs field cannot interact in any way with the Cosmological
Higgs field. This implies that the LENR BEC can exist at any temperature
imposed on the LENR BEC by the universe. This also proves that the two
types of vacuum are incompatible and do not interact.

Next, the formation of vortexes on the surface of the SAFIRE anode shows
how a supersolid lattice can form based on a polyhedral pattern.

Next, SAFIRE reports that an explosion of millions of watts occurs in which
the anode loses all vortex based processes and also shows the development
of transmutation on the surface of the anode. This verifies the posit that
energy is only produced when the EVO is destroyed by instability and
transmutation appears during the Bosenova explosion.

No nuclear radiation or particles is produced by the SAFIRE system
indicating an electroweak nature of the vacuum reaction. The developers of
the SAFIRE system also state that one of their business objectives is to
use the SAFIRE system as a nuclear waste remediation process. This
indicates that the SAFIRE system produces weak force bosons that act at a

In general, the behavior and nature of the EVO can be studied on the
macroscopic level using the SAFIRE technology. In addition all the plasma
based overunity systems: Egely, R. Mills, and Rossi are all described by
the same theory.

On Sat, Aug 6, 2022 at 1:45 PM Axil Axil <> wrote:

> A superconductor is able to produce a Higgs field (SHF) that is nearly
> identical to the cosmic Higgs field that applies mass to
> fundamental particles. This field generation is accomplished through the
> agency of the Higgs mechanism.
> The ability of a condensed matter system to produce a micro bubble of the
> Higgs field is centered on the characteristics of superconductivity called
> the Higgs mode. This property of a superconductor was first hinted at by
> the discovery that photons gained rest mass when under the influence of a
> superconductor. The cosmic Higgs field (CHF) only confers rest mass on a
> fundamental particle.
> With reference to some history as early as the early 1960s, Philip
> Anderson who was an outstandingly creative pioneer of solid state physics was
> complementing theoretical particle physics. Also interested in particle
> physics, in 1962, Anderson published a paper demonstrating how photons
> (or light quanta) obtain mass in a superconductor. Peter Higgs recognized
> that this mechanism was identical to the way mass was applied to
> fundamental particles in particle physics. This led to the development of
> the theory of the Higgs field in 1964 and led to both Higgs and François
> Englert being awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in 2013.
> In explanation, a superconductor does not allow penetration by external
> magnetic fields (the Meissner effect). This observation implies that in a
> superconductor the electromagnetic field becomes short ranged. Successful
> theories arose to explain this during the 1950s, first for fermions 
> (Ginzburg–Landau
> theory, 1950), and then for bosons (BCS theory, 1957).
> The Ginzburg–Landau equation predicts two new characteristic lengths in a
> superconductor. The first characteristic length is termed coherence length:
> The second one is the penetration depth of a magnetic field produced by
> the Meissner effect.
> There seems to be a tight correlation between superconductivity and the
> CHF. The cosmic Higgs mechanism is a type of superconductivity which occurs
> in the vacuum. It occurs when all of space is filled with a sea of
> particles which are charged, or, in field language, when a charged field
> has a nonzero vacuum expectation value. This begs the explanation that when
> the universe was formed, it was a superconductor that was above the
> superconducting transition temperature. Over time, the universe cooled
> below the formation temperature of the Higgs mechanism to express itself as
> a superconductor.
> There is a difference between the SHF and the CHF. The SHF is the
> antithesis of the CHF. If the CHF generates a constant positive scalar
> curvature, then the SHF generates a constant negative scalar curvature. If
> the CHF is de Sutter space, then the SHF is anti de Sutter space. When anti
> de Sutter space forms, it is segregated off from de Sutter space of CHF so
> that the superconductor is protected from any external temperature
> intrusions and remains metastable.
> How does SHF form in cold fusion?
> In the classic cold fusion meme, a hydride is formed in a lattice
> imperfection of palladium. When the loading of the hydride reaches greater
> than 75%, the pressure that is applied to the hydride becomes great enough
> for the electrons in the Hydride to delocalize and the hydride transforms
> into a Hole superconductor. A hole superconductor occurs when a central
> core of proton cooper pairs form surrounded by a cloud of delocalized
> electrons.
> In other examples of Hole superconductor formation, a catalyst is used to
> form the superconductor. Holmlid uses the styrene catalyst type Shell
> S-105. Chukanov uses total ionization of plasma that he calls ball
> lightning.  Ken Shoulders used a spark to stimulate hydrogen into the SHF
> form. Rossi uses lithium hydride and a high Dv/Dt spark. Ohmasa, Leclair,
> and the Indian Suhas all have used cavitation in one form or another to 
> compress
> water into superconducting water crystals. George Egely uses polaritons
> produced by microwave stimulation of dust. The SAFIRE reactor uses
> polaritons.
> SHF can form from nano and micro metal particles since these particles
> will form a one dimensional superconductor through Ballistic conduction.
> The application of photons onto the electron cloud of the Hole
> superconductor to form polaritons is an indispensable stimulus to the
> formation of the SFH.
> The polariton format process is accomplished inside an optical cavity. The  
> electron cloud
> of the Hole superconductor provides that optical cavity.  This cavity is
> where the energy of the electron and the photon come into a state of energy
> equilibrium so that a state of superposition of the electron and photon can
> occur. This process where the electron and photon join together into a
> single quantum waveform is known as quantum entanglement.
> For example in Holmlid's reaction, a laser pulse applied onto the Ultra
> dense hydrogen (UDH) hole superconductor will form an optical cavity in
> which a Bose condensate of polaritons will form in the electron cloud that
> surrounds the positive core of the UDH. This condensate will produce a
> self-confining bubble of SHF derived from the Higgs mode of the UDH hole
> superconductor. This Higgs mechanism in the superconductor may well be
> identical to the cosmological Higgs field though it may be greater in
> magnitude and differ in the sign of its scalar curvature. The formation
> of the polariton condensate will give the UDH superfluidity so that it is
> very difficult to keep the UDH confined in a container.
> The strength of the Meissner effect may define the altitude that the
> electron shell assumes above the positive superconductive core. This
> feature of the hole superconductor may have been misinterpreted as a
> Hydrino orbital below the usual base level of electron orbitals.
> SHF being the anti-field of CHF, they don't interact. Chukanov generates
> something akin to ball lightning about 20cm across that can last
> indefinitely in his apparatus. He says in his patent that when he shines a
> laser on it, rather than the laser going through it and out the other end,
> the light is redirected and travels along the ball's surface and does not
> penetrate the inside of the ball. The same behavior occurs when an
> electron current is applied to the surface of the ball. An attempt to
> penetrate the ball with a metal rod results in a deformation of the ball
> without any penetration.
> Ken Shoulders named the SHF he discovered an Exotic Vacuum Object (EVO).
> The EVO either with or without a hole superconductor at its core takes the
> form of a Bose Einstein Condensate of polaritons. This condensate produces
> a number of dipole magnetic vortex flux tubes that enable the EVO to
> interact with CHF matter. In experiments with EVOs, matter was seen to exit
> the EVO when the EVO terminated like toothpaste squeezed from a tube. It is
> through the agency of these tubes that the EVO transmutes matter.
> The EVO can stabilize a radioactive isotope at a distance. This might be
> what is caused by the reversal of the short distance nature of the Z and W
> bosons via removal of their mass by the SHF. In electroweak theory, the
> photon Z and W bosons form a quartet of related particles. When the photons
> mass is reversed so may be the masses of that of the Z and W bosons
> converting these bosons into infinitely long ranged bosons.
> Being both a coherent superconductor and a condensate, it is in a state of
> quantum mechanical superposition. This means that the EVO does not realize
> any particles and radiation that result from the transmutation process. 
> Transmutation
> that is performed under a state of superposition does not produce energy.
> Transmutation is an unfortunate, and destructive byproduct of the EVO based
> reaction. Transmutation limits the service life of an EVO reactor.
> But how does the EVO produce energy?
> The SHF is a tachyonic field. In physics, a tachyonic field, or
> simply tachyon, is a quantum field with
> an imaginary mass. Although tachyonic particles (particles that move faster
> than light) are  purely unfounded hypothetical concepts that violate a
> number of essential physical principles, at least one field with imaginary
> mass, the Higgs field, is believed to exist. As an anti-Higgs field, the
> SHF is also tachyonic. Under no circumstances do any excitations of
> tachyonic fields ever propagate faster than light - the presence or absence
> of a tachyonic (imaginary) mass has no effect on the maximum velocity of
> signals, and so unlike faster-than-light particles there is no violation
> of causality.
> But as a tachyonic field, Sen's conjecture applies.
> When an electron becomes a polariton (a superposition of an electron and a
> photon), it loses its mass. But in the polariton condensate, the mass of
> the polariton condensate goes imaginary. In recent research, a polariton
> condensate was observed to exhibit the property of negative mass.
> The assumption here is that imaginary mass and negative mass act the same.
> Science violently rejects the concept of negative mass as a real property
> of matter. Science says that effective mass can only show the behavior of
> negative mass without that mass being created. Effective mass is not
> considered real mass. Effective mass behavior just acts like negative mass
> but it is not real negative mass. But when the entirety of quasiparticle
> behaviors of the electrons are mixed in a polariton condensate, the real
> negative mass of that condensate actually becomes imaginary mass.
> Imaginary mass opens the door to the weirdness of the dark sector of the
> universe. An imaginary mass particle is a tachyon. Tachyons have out of
> this world's properties especially when they condense. This is how the Sen
> Conjecture in string theory comes to the fore. This Conjecture predicts
> that the vacuum will decay in an explosion of energy derived from spacetime
> itself when a tachyon condensate eventually becomes unstable. This
> explosion is called a Bosenova. Simply put, SHF will only produce energy
> from the vacuum through its destruction.
> Such a process of vacuum decay is where LENR gets its overunity energy
> gain from. In current research, the telling characteristic of the explosion
> of any Bose condensate in a bosenova is that half of the matter that
> comprises the condensate will disappear. I contend that this unexplained
> process of unexplained mass destruction is due to vacuum decay as per the
> Sen Conjecture.
> <>
> Sen's Conjecture
> The important part of this reference is as follows:
> Here the Conjecture states that the respective tachyon condensation
> witnesses the annihilation of the brane/anti-brane pair (Sen 98). Sen got a
> $3 million prize for this idea, and Ed Witten also got the same prize for
> developing the string quantum theory that Sen used in the development of
> his Conjecture.
> Definition of terms
> The brane is spacetime.
> The antibrane is the EVO (The tachyon vacuum) or anti spacetime(anti
> vacuum).
> In plane language, when an EVO becomes unstable and eventually decays and
> explodes, it not only converts itself into energy but also the bubble of
> the universe that it was residing in also converts to energy. So the energy
> produced by the EVO bosenova explosion produces about twice the energy
> content of a 200 micron coresident bubble of spacetime.
> All the electrons and protons that make up the polariton condensate and
> hole superconductor will receive the energy of the tachyonic bosenova
> explosion. The photon content of the polariton condensate will also receive
> a portion of this vacuum energy.
> In an EVO reactor that does not intercept the electrons generated by the
> bosenova, the kinetic energy of these electrons and photons will be
> converted to heat and radiation by the reactor's structure and/or plasma.
> How does an EVO grow larger?
> When the polariton condensate establishes itself around a hole
> superconductor, the negative charge of the surrounding electron cloud is
> decreased. This condensate growth cycle produces an increasing positive
> charge that develops from the positive core of the hole superconductor.
> This positive charge imbalance attracts additional electrons in the
> vicinity of the hole superconductor to the electron cloud. As additional
> photons produce more polaritons from the electrons in the electron cloud,
> the size of the EVO grows larger. This polariton condensate growth cycle
> continues until the polariton condensate becomes unstable and eventually
> explodes.
> The generation of a supersolid.
> As the EVO grows larger, it eventually takes on the shape of a supersolid.
> In condensed matter physics, a supersolid is a spatially ordered material
> with superfluid properties. During 2017, a definitive proof for the
> existence of this supersolid state was demonstrated by several experiments
> using atomic Bose–Einstein condensates.
> A supersolid is a special quantum state of matter where particles form a
> rigid, spatially ordered lattice structure, but also flows super-fluidically.
> This behavior  contradicts common sense since superfluid flow with zero
> viscosity is a property exclusive to the fluid state.
> The lattice structure of a supersolid will assume the shape of a polygon,
> usually a hexagon. This is due to the influence of quantum fluxuations in
> the superfluid.
> In LENR experiments, EVOs usually produce polygonal shapes associated with
> supersolidity. EVOs dig hexagonal, square, or polygonal sealed tunnels or
> produce spheres of transmuted material. EVOs also produce hexagonal shaped
> areas of polarized matter on metal surfaces surrounding their impact
> impressions.
> There are two types of EVOs
> There are two types of polariton condensates that form an EVO. There is
> one type that is produced by a hole superconductor, and another type
> produced by a pumped polariton Bose condensate.
> The hole superconductor based EVO can live an independent life whereas
> the pumped EVO is confined and constrained by the pumping mechanism.
> It is the hole superconductor based EVO that floats around independently
> and produces stange radiation. The pumped EVO cannot lead an independent
> existence.
> The pumped polariton Bose condensate type is usually formed through the
> generation of a polariton condensate by pumping photonic energy onto nano
> or micro dust or rough metal surfaces. The name that science has given this
> type of polariton condensate is "nonequilibrium polariton condensate"
> Some background: Dr. Brian Ahern was the first to show that the LENR
> reaction occurs in nanoparticles. Nanoparticles can form one dimensional
> superconductors= as enabled by their size. This experiment will show how
> nanoparticles produce the LENR reaction when a laser pulse irradiates gold
> nanoparticles in solution. These nanoparticles demonstrate ballistic (one
> dimensional) superconductivity.
> In the following experiment, the LENR reaction only occurs when the LENR
> light pulse is active. A radioactive isotope is used to provide a probe to
> explore the nature of the LENR reaction. Since there is no lattice
> involved, no fusion reaction is possible. No excess heat is produced.
> Various types of laser pulses are used in this experiment which reveals the
> details of the mechanisms of the LENR reaction. The basic take away from
> this experiment is to show that the LENR reaction is a unified electroweak
> based reaction.
> Radioactive decay half-life acceleration caused by Electronweak force
> mediation.
> Reference:
> Accelerated alpha-decay of 232U isotope achieved by exposure of its
> aqueous solution with gold nanoparticles to laser radiation
> A.V. Simakin, G.A. Shafeev
> This reference sheds light on the posit that an Unified Electroweak
> reaction accelerates radioactive decay through Higgs field based
> super-conduction carried through Bose condensation of polaritons. With this
> posit in mind, experimental data elucidates what the optimum duration of
> the pumping laser pulse time-frame should be to optimize the LENR reaction.
>  Abstract
> "Experimental results are presented on laser-induced accelerated
> alpha-decay of Uranium-232 nuclei under laser exposure of Au nanoparticles
> in aqueous solutions of its salt. It is demonstrated that the decrease of
> alpha-activity strongly depends on the peak intensity of the laser
> radiation in the liquid and is highest at several terawatt per square
> centimeter. The decrease of alpha-activity of the exposed solutions is
> accompanied by the deviation of gamma-activities of daughter nuclides of
> Uranium-232 from their equilibrium values. Possible mechanisms of the laser
> influence on the alpha-activity are discussed on the basis of the
> amplification of the electric field of laser wave on metallic
> nanoparticles."
> This experiment speaks against the posit that accelerated radioactive
> decay is caused by any interactions with neutrinos purported by the Russian
> Meme. The mechanism of polariton Bose condensation causation involves the
> generation of polariton plasma that surrounds the nanoparticle and
> associated intense Electroweak fields that act at a distance. Polaritons
> surround  gold nanoparticles that produce a critical density of LENR active
> surface plasmon polaritons (SPP) cloud which acts as a pumped LENR active
> superconductor in which Electroweak stabilization of radiation occurs in
> the vicinity of the gold nanoparticle.
> The referenced article shows that the polariton Bose condensate reduces
> the 69 year half-life of U232 to 5 microseconds when the LASER pulse is
> active. In addition, the acceleration of radioactive decay of the 4.5
> billion year half-life of uranium is sufficiently half-life accelerated to
> produce significant detectable uranium decay products. The Half-life decay
> does not produce increased radiation, but by a change in the nature of the
> unstable isotope itself.
> It is reasonable to suggest that the alpha-decay proceeds during the laser
> pulse, while the spontaneous decrease of alpha-activity during exposure is
> negligible. This means that the activity drops down by a factor of 2 during
> 5 ms, which is the total duration of all 150 ps laser pulses during
> exposure. In other words, the half-life of 232U in the laser field is 5 ms
> instead of 69 years. About 10^10 nuclei of 232U decay during laser
> exposure. Another infrared laser radiation with pulse duration of 350 ps
> affects the alpha-activity of the solution to lesser extent despite to much
> higher number of laser pulses.
> Both the power of the laser pulse and its duration are important factors
> in producing optimum half-life decay acceleration. The nanosecond laser
> pulse length is too short to optimize radioactive decay acceleration as
> well as the 350 ps laser source. The 150 ps laser source seems to be a
> better fit to match the 50 ps life span of the individual polariton which
> comprise the Bose condensate aggregation is the resonance value for
> optimization of radiation decay.
> Another insight gleaned from this experiment is that the length of the
> laser pulse does not produce continuing radioactive decay acceleration. The
> LENR activity is constrained by the lifetime of the polariton condensate
> and is active only as long as the polariton condensate is active.
> The polaritons have a lifespan of an average number of picoseconds. But
> after death, they are replaced with newly generated polaritons so that the
> number of polaritons remains constant based on the amount of pumping done.

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