BlankHowdy Vorts,

Some years back the US determined an energy policy was needed. The Dept of 
Energy was created and was to be funded by "contributions"( read tax) by the 
oil producers. The expected revenue was estimated at the time some 20 billion 
dollars and change.

DoD was touted as the "answer " to forming an energy policy.    Since that time 
it has taken on all the garments of a bureaucracy with  political games 
matching any carnival house of mirrors.

Question ? Could the situation improve by replacing the DoD with a private 
mercenary contractor? 
 After all , the oil firms are supposed to be paying the bills.

Or ?? Can the DoD be considered a mercenary force within the government that is 
controlled by big oil to suit it's purposes?

Consider Blackwater.. a mercenary contractor. We assume by reading their 
statement of purpose they are a private security firm. They derive much of 
their revenue from the US government. They function like a government agency ( 
priotected) whereas the DoD functions like a private contractor hired by big 

What am I missing?

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