Howdy Vorts,

The Flat Earth Society (FES-UP) is planning the next meeting in the back room 
at the Dime Box Saloon as soon as money can be raised to pay last month's bar 
tab. Invited guests will be an actual eyewitness of the attempt to fake a 
landing of the Phoenix on Mars. Some claim the witness has a "screw loose" and 
plan to hire one of the lawyers shown on UTube teaching liars how to tell the 
truth 9 different ways without lying. Last month's minutes of the FES meeting 
were stolen by space aliens( our security cameras caught it on tape). Will the 
person(s) that took the .80 cents tip donated to the bartender please refrain 
from giving us all a bad name in the interest of science.

Or to paraphrase Rodney King.. could we all just get back to science.


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