Re: [Vo]:Article about Russ George

2019-05-31 Thread Lennart Thornros
After reading the article about how Russ George dumped iron in the ocean, I
felt I got support for what I have said at several Occasions.
We live in the world where big organizations or making rules way over the
head of any individual.
The bureaucrats had a heyday there were more things to regulate. No true
bureaucrat who would leave that opportunity.
As I read the comments I can find very little substance on the matter
dumping iron in the ocean. instead the continents worried regulators
talking about the problem with personal initiative. They seem to think that
big conferences where people discuss how to formulate a law to avoid
problems they don't know anything about. Nobody worries about how to do
progress in the field. there are plenty of large problems in our immediate
neighborhood, which should be easy to solve with joint effort,  if we
allowed initiative by individuals. instead we make rules making sure that's
all enthusiasm is consumed by a myriad of laws and forms to fill in.
 Let me take an example. Haïti just a few hundred miles from the United
States has no system for garbage collection. The Coastal Community has sold
the problem in the perfect way for them self. they take all the garbage to
the storm ditches,  then the rain will take the garbage out to sea. Problem
solved. Big organizations provide food and other survival things for Haiti.
Big government organizations make laws about what can be dumped and what
cannot be dumped in the ocean.  Each organization does what they are set
out to do. Nobody cares about the big picture. People in the community do
not have any interest in the future of the ocean. The charity organizations
don't care about what happens to the garbage they give away, the packaging
of their food.  I am sure there are hordes of bureaucrats conferencing on
discussing which new law to design to solve this problem. IMHO it cannot be
solved from above. It is a must to get engagement from the people involved.
All the bureaucratic regulations  is a fight with wind Mills.
I admire people like Russ George. They'd rather do something then talk
about it. The same thing goes for many of the entrepreneurs,  witch are
trying different ideas for cold fusion. Solutions require inovativ people
perhaps a little crazy. How else could they think outside the box?

On Fri, May 31, 2019, 15:05 Jürg Wyttenbach  wrote:

> A citation:
> When Russ George dumped iron filings in the ocean, the world was outraged,
> critics issued condemnations, and experts talked soberly about the
> potential for disaster. But we failed — as we have on climate change in
> general — to build any kind of international consensus about a solution.
> There very same as Russ did, has been done legally by a volcano 2 years
> ago at the same place, what was the true cause for the record salmon.
> What man do illegally is:
> -Dumping Millions of tons of crude oil into the ocean when cleaning the
> tanks.
> -Dumping Millions of tons of plastic into all oceans that directly kills
> fish& birds.
> -Burning the dirtiest fuel in ocean ship engines causing nitro
> "fertilization" (acid!) of the ocean.
> -Destroying ocean ground by deep see fishing
> -Extinction of species like blue tuna because fo greed.
> Irion is the most natural dust. e.g. Hawaii lava contains up to 8% of iron
> and due to erosion it is feeding the see around the islands - one of the
> finest paradise for riff fish.
> The proof has been given, thanks to the volcano, that the ocean can be
> restored for *a short period of time*! But I agree that all the above
> mentioned  really illegal actions should be stopped first, but that was not
> the intention when the free mason undermined Greenpeace. The target is to
> make people claim something useful happens and take the "opposition money"
> away of action.
> The real danger is the 100+billion$ climate certificate trade money that
> is feeding the most ugly people of the planet. If you restore the ocean no
> more certificates will be needed...
> Thus I can only ask to stop feeding the real big pigs.
> Am 31.05.19 um 17:41 schrieb Jed Rothwell:
> See:
> --
> Jürg Wyttenbach
> Bifangstr.22
> 8910 Affoltern a.A.
> 044 760 14 18
> 079 246 36 06

Re: [Vo]:Article about Russ George

2019-05-31 Thread Jürg Wyttenbach

A citation:

When Russ George dumped iron filings in the ocean, the world was 
outraged, critics issued condemnations, and experts talked soberly about 
the potential for disaster. But we failed — as we have on climate change 
in general — to build any kind of international consensus about a solution.

There very same as Russ did, has been done legally by a volcano 2 years 
ago at the same place, what was the true cause for the record salmon.

What man do illegally is:
-Dumping Millions of tons of crude oil into the ocean when cleaning the 
-Dumping Millions of tons of plastic into all oceans that directly kills 
fish& birds.
-Burning the dirtiest fuel in ocean ship engines causing nitro 
"fertilization" (acid!) of the ocean.

-Destroying ocean ground by deep see fishing
-Extinction of species like blue tuna because fo greed.

Irion is the most natural dust. e.g. Hawaii lava contains up to 8% of 
iron and due to erosion it is feeding the see around the islands - one 
of the finest paradise for riff fish.

The proof has been given, thanks to the volcano, that the ocean can be 
restored for *a short period of time*! But I agree that all the above 
mentioned  really illegal actions should be stopped first, but that was 
not the intention when the free mason undermined Greenpeace. The target 
is to make people claim something useful happens and take the 
"opposition money" away of action.

The real danger is the 100+billion$ climate certificate trade money that 
is feeding the most ugly people of the planet. If you restore the ocean 
no more certificates will be needed...

Thus I can only ask to stop feeding the real big pigs.

Am 31.05.19 um 17:41 schrieb Jed Rothwell:


Jürg Wyttenbach
8910 Affoltern a.A.
044 760 14 18
079 246 36 06

[Vo]:Article about Russ George

2019-05-31 Thread Jed Rothwell